Virtual College of Pharmacy Preview Day

Thursday, Jan. 27, 2022

Spend a virtual evening with the College of Pharmacy! We blend practice, experience, and science to create an in-depth knowledge base for our pharmacy students to be successful in the field. Our students learn through our module-based courses, extensive experience in the field, and by becoming engaged in research with faculty. This virtual preview day is structured for an in-depth look at the College of Pharmacy. To register for the virtual preview day, fill out the form below.

The College of Pharmacy offers three different tracks:

0+6 Direct Entry - Pharmacy Track (for first-time freshmen)
Direct admittance from​ high school into our 0+6 track.

Transfer Pre-Pharmacy Track
​The Transfer Pre-Pharmacy Track is tailored for ​students who have taken some prerequisite/pre-professional pharmacy courses and are transferring to the University of Findlay's College of Pharmacy.

Professional Pharmacy Track
Admittance directly into the four professional years of the program.

Virtual Preview Day Schedule
4 p.m. Welcome / Admissions Information and introduction to our Admissions Team
4:30 p.m. Welcome from the Dean / Academic Showcase – Faculty
5:30-6:15 p.m. Student/Counselor Q&A
Virtual Campus Tour

If you have any questions please contact the Office of Admissions at 419-434-4732.