​ELL Support Center Testimonials

Yusuke Kiyota

Undergraduate Psychology Major

    "The ELL Support Center is helpful for international students. Last semester, I could not get all A's without the help of the center. The tutors were so nice to me. They explained things to me that I did not understand until I understood. I learned a lot of things that were not only academic English but also everyday English from the center. When I did not have any plans, I went there and enjoyed conversation with the tutors and students from other countries. I gained some new friends. I really thank the ELL Support Center."
留学生にとってELLサポートセンターは大学の授業の課題や宿題に役に立つ場所です。前期、もしサポートセンターがなければ、私はすべての教科で良い点数を取れていなかったと思います。サポートセンターのスタッフもとても優し く、私が理解できるようになるまで、何度も説明してくれました。また授業のことだけではなく、雑談や、悩みなどを聞いてもらった事もありました。サポート センターには他の留学生達も遊びに来ていて、私はたくさんの外国人と友達になりました。サポートセンターには非常に感謝しています。


Hassan Al Nassir

Intermediate Level IELP

Saudi Arabia
    "At the ELL Support Center I appreciate all the new skills that the tutors teach me. When I come, I feel happy and comfortable. I learn new things about English that I don't learn in my classes. Everyone there is very friendly. The tutors communicate very well. I look forward to visiting the ELL Support Center again."
"أنا أثمن كل المهارات التي يقدمها المدرسون الخصوصيون في مركزELL. عندما آتي إلى المركز أشعر بالسعادة والارتياح وأتعلم أشياء في اللغة لم أتعلمها في فصول الدراسة. كل الأشخاص في المركز لطيفون، والمدرسون يتخاطبون مع الطلاب بطريقة راقية. أتطلع لزيارة المركز مرة أخرى"


Hsin-yu Liao

Advanced Level IELP
    "One of the most important key points for learning language is finding language parents--those who will support and guide you. They teach us until we understand. At the same time, they give us great confidence and provide a comfortable environment to help us to learn. The ELL Support Center, for me, plays the role of a language parent. The center not only assists international students with their academic problems, but also helps them to understand American culture. It’s a good resource for me as an international student."  
學習語言有一個很重要的關鍵在於有良好的老師,他們如同父母親一樣.他們會不厭其煩的教導子女直到他們融會貫通,並且給予子女足夠的信心與舒適的學習環境.ELL中心,對我來說,正好恰如其分的扮演著這個角色.它不僅指導國際學生課業上的問題並且幫助學生了解美國文化.身為國際學生而言, ELL中心真的是一個很好的資源可以善加運用.


My Huyen Nguyen

Graduate TESOL Major
     “I am really grateful that The University of Findlay offers such an amazing service to the international students. The tutors at the ELL Support Center have been doing a wonderful job helping the international population at the university. With their friendly welcome, positive attitude, and professional work ethic, I always feel very comfortable and satisfied every time I come to the center. I absolutely would recommend this service to other international students as it is one of most beneficial services available on campus.”
Tôi thực sự rất cảm kích vì trường đại học Findlay mở một dịch vụ tuyệt vời như thế này cho học sinh quốc tế. Các nhân viên tại Trung Tâm Hỗ Trợ Học Sinh Học Tiếng Anh đã và đang làm hết sức mình để giúp đỡ các sinh viên quốc tế tại trường. Với thái độ thân thiện và phong thái làm việc chuyên nghiệp, tôi luôn cảm thấy thoải mái và hài lòng mỗi lần đến trung tâm này. Tôi chắc chắn sẽ giới thiệu về trung tâm với tất cả các sinh viên quốc tế khác vì đây là một trong những dịch vụ hỗ trợ hiệu quả nhất tại trườ

Yifan Jiang  

Graduate MBA Major


      "I am a current MBA student from China. Ever since I came here to study in the United States, I am always plagued by my lack of writing skills in English. When I heard about the ELL Support Center I went and got help from there. Thanks to their help and their professional skills and warm services, I found many mistakes that I make when I write in English that I didn't even realize. I will visit the ELL Support Center again to keep improving my English written skills."



Elisha Ernest Gundupalli

Graduate MBA Major


      "The ELL Support Center at The University of Findlay helped me to fulfill all my academic requirements. The tutors at the center really helped me to understand the subject and taught me how to use the APA format. The help that the tutors have given me at the center have enabled me to complete my final papers and do very well. The tutors are very helpful. I thank all the tutors and the organizers of ELL Support Center. It's truly a blessing."