Our Master of Arts in Rhetoric and Writing (MARW) graduates have gone on to leverage the advanced writing skills they developed in our program to pursue a variety of professional goals. Many of our students are accepted into Ph.D. programs while others choose to pursue full-time professional work in a variety of fields. Whichever path you choose, know that MARW students achieve high levels of success, and the skills and connections you build while here will last a lifetime.
Our students have been accepted to renowned Ph.D. programs in the field, including:
- Syracuse University
- Purdue University
- George Mason University
- Bowling Green State University
- Case Western Reserve University
- Wayne State University
- Texas Christian University
- Indiana University of Pennsylvania
MARW graduates are pursuing meaningful careers that include:
- Full-time tenure track instructor at Columbus State Community College
- Full-time tenure track instructor at Marion Technical College
- Technical writer at One Energy
- Technical writer at AEP
- Graduate Admissions Advisor
- University Advancement Assistant Director
- University Student Success Coordinator
- Admissions Manager at Central Ohio Technical College
- Dean of Students at a private high school
- Museum education specialist and events coordinator
Alumni Testimonials

Alumni Name: Joe Spieles
Thesis Title: Faculty Perception of Automated Essay Grading Algorithm: Application, Bias, Equity and Use in the Classroom
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Elkie Burnside
Graduation Year: May 2019
How has the MARW Program Helped prepare you for doctoral programs?
The MARW program was exactly what I needed when looking at grad schools and what I want to be when I grow up. I was exposed to teaching multiple classes, archival and digital research and I encouraged to present at several conferences. While I was doing all these new things I was supported by engaging faculty and a cohort of students all interested in unique areas of rhetoric, pedagogy, and research. Each class pushed my abilities and challenged me to consider new areas of the field; without which I would not have been prepared to enter a Ph.D. program.
Alumni Name: Eileen Comerford
Thesis Title: #LesbianHaircut: A Discourse Analysis of Embodied Epideictic Rhetoric on Twitter
Graduation: May 2018
How did the MARW program prepare you for the career you are in right now?
The MARW program provided the perfect training for my current role as Content Marketing Specialist/Copyeditor at a wind energy company. This degree equipped me with the theory required to achieve effective communication as well as the opportunity to manage challenges that come with teaching young writers while completing intensive course and thesis work independently. I would recommend this degree to anyone looking to take a deep dive into all aspects of language, to think critically about how meaning is made, to become attractive in the communication job market, and to do so in a flexible yet rigorous program.
Past Thesis Projects
During your last two semesters in the MARW program, you will complete two capstone classes and a thesis project of your choosing. Our faculty has diverse research interests and can help you find a niche to make your own scholarly contribution. You may choose to complete a traditional print thesis or you may complete a webtext thesis. Below are a few of the past thesis projects that past MARW graduates have completed and published.
Thesis Title: "Paying Attention to the Alien: Reevaluating Composition Studies' Construction of Human Agency in Light of Secret Government Surveillance"
By: David Maynard
Thesis Title:
"Can Instructional Videos Influence Perception of Plagiarism Among First-Year Composition (FYC) Students?"
By: Rob Ryder
Thesis Title: "The Impact of Course Management Systems Like Blackboard on First-Year Composition Pedagogy and Practice"
By: Lauren Salisbury