University of Findlay is offering a dual enrollment certificate for teachers who have a master's degree but do not have the required graduate hours in content needed to teach UF College Credit Plus courses*. Our dual enrollment certificate courses are offered online for a convenient professional development option. Completion of six graduate courses is required to obtain this certificate.
Course Information
Math - Offered online
Elementary Number Theory (Math 501)
Review college-level math so you can bring it into your high school classroom. This course covers divisibility, primes, congruences, quadratic residues, arithmetic functions and Diophantine equations. Additional topics may include the RSA algorithm, integers represented as the sum of two squares, Pell equations or distribution of primes.
Applied Mathematics (Math 510)
Topics for this course may be taken from applied analysis such as differential equations; approximation theory such as asymptotic methods, variational methods or numerical analysis; applied probability and current applications from various branches of mathematics.
Complex Analysis (Math 521)
This is an introduction to complex analysis and the theory of analytic functions. Topics include limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, sequences and convergence.
Applied Combinatorics (Math 540)
Learn about most of the important topics of applied combinatorics. Topics include but are not limited to counting rules, graph theory and its applications, recurrence relations, error correcting, linear codes and coding theory.
Rings and Fields (Math 543)
Delve into concepts from abstract algebra including solvable groups, rings, ideals, quotient rings, polynomial rings, factorization into primes and irreducible elements, field extensions, algebraic elements, and Galois theory involving subgroups and normal subgroups. Solutions of many problems of historical importance in polynomial equations, geometry and number theory will be examined.
Differential Geometry (Math 545)
This is an introduction to the study of smooth surfaces in 3-dimensional space. Topics include the shape operator on a smooth surface and its properties, principal curvatures and lines of curvature, and Gauss and mean curvature. Additional topics may include Gauss’ theorem Egregium, isometric surfaces, minimal surface theory and geodesics.
Language Arts
Introduction to the Field of Rhetoric and Writing (ENGL 500)
Using primary debates within the field as a focus, the course explores the complex relationships between rhetorical theory and pedagogical practice, and the effect of both on the writing process and the teaching of writing
Writing Theory and Pedagogy (ENGL 501)
Discussion and close analysis of readings will make you more familiar with current theories, issues and debates concerning both the processes of writing and the teaching of high school and college writing.
Language and Writing (ENGL 503)
This course examines the influence of language on written communication within the secondary and postsecondary English classroom and within digital environments. Specifically, it will investigate teaching grammar in the context of writing and other linguistic-based approaches to the teaching of writing and multimodal compositions.
Classical Rhetorical Theory (ENGL 504)
Experience in-depth learning about classical rhetoric grounded in Greco-Roman antiquity and texts and themes that constitute "the rhetorical tradition." Readings for the course include primary texts by Greek and Roman classical speakers/writers as well as secondary readings on ancient rhetoric, connections to medieval and Renaissance rhetoric, and classical links to a multimodal rhetorical tradition.
Contemporary Rhetorical Theory (ENGL 505)
Focus on modern/contemporary rhetorical theories from the Enlightenment to the present by tracing the influence of the rhetorical tradition on current writing practices in various contexts, including their relationship to digital writing and multimodal discourse.
Topics in Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 550)
This course will focus on special issues within the field of rhetoric and composition studies. It may be repeated, provided the topics are different.
Persuasion and Public Opinion (COMM 502)
This course will focus on the power and responsibility of crafting persuasive messages that impact individuals and public opinion. Students will learn how to create digital, oral and written persuasive texts suitable for public, interpersonal and organizational contexts. In addition to library research, students will be introduced to the basics of research data collection including interviews, surveys and focus groups.
Digital Media and Communication Campaigns (COMM 504)
This course focuses on digital media as a persuasive tool for communication. Students will learn how to collect data and distribute information through digital media through the development of integrated communication campaigns that address specific organizational needs. How to identify and target audiences with persuasive content on a variety of social media platforms will be emphasized.
12 semester hours take from:
Introduction to Professional Communication (COMM 500)
This course will focus on introducing learners to areas of communication emphasized and overlooked in the workplace and will provide an orientation to the Master of Arts in Professional Communication program. Students will review some of the foundational theoretical perspectives and requisite oral, writing, research, statistical and digital media skills required to succeed in other courses.
Ethical Development and Promotion of Organizational Culture (COMM 501)
This course focuses on the reciprocal relationship between communication and culture in organizations. The course will discuss the communication process on the promotion of organizational culture and develop ethical interactions within and outside the organizations. The role of the organization in crisis communication, communication campaigns and branding will be emphasized.
Strategic Communication (COMM 503)
Strategic communication involves the management of communication within and external to an organization. This involves the integration of public relations, marketing, branding, advertising and media strategies. Students will learn how strategic communication functions between stakeholders’ internal and external to organizations. Emphasis will be placed on developing skills in creating persuasive and responsible multimodal and multimedia strategic communication campaigns.
Communication Research Methods and Data Collection (COMM 505)
This course is designed to introduce students to quantitative, qualitative and critical/cultural communication research paradigms. Students will learn the guiding principles of each paradigm and how to determine the best methods for acquiring the desired data type. Students will learn how to appropriately collect data for organizational research using a variety of methods like interviewing, ethnography, survey collection, experiments, content analysis and focus groups.
Leadership and Training in Organizations and Digital Spaces (COMM 506)
The purpose of the course is to develop an understanding of leadership communication and its application to professional practice. Students will reflect on their own leadership desires and skills to develop their own leadership persona including the development of digital personas. Students will also learn how leadership strategies can be used to develop meaningful training tactics for an organization and its community members.
Topics in Interpersonal Communication (COMM 550)
This course will focus on special issues within the field of communication related to interpersonal communication. This course may be repeated, provided the topics are different.
Topics in Identity Management (COMM 551)
This course will focus on special issues within the field of communication related to identity management. This course may be repeated, provided the topics are different.
Topics in Team Building (COMM 552)
This course will focus on special issues within the field of communication related to team building. This course may be repeated, provided the topics are different.
Apply now to earn your UF dual enrollment certificate!
Instructions on applying:
- Make arrangements to have official transcripts sent to the University of Findlay. You may have these sent electronically or by mail to:
- University of Findlay
Attention: Admissions
1000 N. Main Street
Findlay, OH 45840
- Fill out University of Findlay's Licensure & Endorsement Programs Non-Degree Application via the button below
*All Non-Degree students must re-apply each semester*
Rebecca Hillman
Coordinator for College Credit Plus
*UF's dual enrollment teaching certificate aligns with our College Credit Plus program. If you plan to partner with another college or university, please contact the respective institution to guarantee our accredited courses will be accepted.