Header 1Doctor of Education Sample Degree PlanView Sample Plan Post 1Year 1: Fall SemesterEDUC 700 Writing as a Doctoral Scholar3EDUC 701 Orientation to Doctoral Study3 Year 1: Spring Semester EDUC 703 Policy Analysis: Political and Legal Principles3EDUC 705 Strategic Planning & Continuous Improvement3ELECTIVE 1:3 Year 1: Summer Semester EDUC 711 Influential Thinkers: Selected Readings & Critical Analysis3EDUC 760 Research II: Quantitative Research & Measurement3Summer Institute: Dissertation Plan Year 2: Fall Semester EDUC 707 Global Dimensions & Perspectives on Diversity3EDUC 765 Research II: Qualitative Research3EDUC750 Research I Literature Review3EDUC751 Research I Dissertation1Year 2: Spring Semester EDUC 713 Innovation and Information Literacy3EDUC 715 Inviting Environments to Facilitate the Affective Domain3EDUC 770 Research III: Research Design & Proposal Development3EDUC 771 Research III: Dissertation1Year 2: Summer Semester Summer Institute: Proposal Defense during the summer session Summer: IRB approval, Data collection/execution of study through fall ELECTIVE 2:3 Year 3: Fall Semester ELECTIVE3:3 ELECTIVE 4:3 Data must be collected prior to taking EDUC 780 Year 3: Spring Semester EDUC 780 Research IV: Statistical Analysis Coaching3 EDUC781 Research IV: Dissertation1 ELECTIVE 5:3 Year 3: Summer Semester EDUC 790 Dissemination of Research3 EDUC 791: Dissertation Submission0 Summer Institute: Presentation of Completed Dissertation Important: Please be aware that three years is the earliest a student could potentially complete the program; actual completion time will depend heavily on the dissertation process which is not predictable and often requires adjustment to this generalized timeline.The EdD Program must be completed within 7 years from the start (first course recorded for the program).Choose One Area of Concentration: Educational Leadership, Administration/Superintendent, Student Support Services Educational Leadership (3 credits each)Administration/Superintendent (3 credits each)Student Support Services (3 credits each)Elective 1EDSP 631 SPEDAD 612 SPEDSP 660 FAElective 2EDSP 632 FAEDAD 611 SMEDSP 661 SPElective 3EDSP 633 SPEDAD 613 SMEDSP 662 SMElective 4EDSP 635 FAEDAD 610 FAEDSP 645 FAElective 5EDUC 709 SMEDAD 614 FA, SP, SMEDPY 611 SM Post Column 2