​​​​​​Master of Arts in Education with an emphasis in​ STEAM Instruction

​​Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) Instruction

Findlay's 33-credit hour Master of Arts in Education Program provides working K-12 teachers and informal educators the academic background they need to enhance their teaching practice and advance their careers fully online. 21st-century skills and the four C’s (Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Collaboration) are highlighted in the instructional methods offered through the degree.  Participants enrolled in its new emphasis in STEAM Instruction will learn how to successfully combine educational technologies with research-based, pedagogically proven STEAM instructional strategies to create student-centered classrooms.​

Students earning a masters in the STEAM Instruction strand must complete:

Graduate Education core (5 courses) and

STE​AM Education S​trand​ (6 courses)

Independent Study in Curriculum and Instruction (EDCI 545)

Individual study is designed to provide educators with the opportunity to work individually on professional problems.  Opportunities to focus on Robotics, Coding, Artificial Intelligence, and Maker Spaces will be offered.


Science and Technology for Educators (EDSP 604) 

This is an individually designed, online course that can be tailor-made for the educator regarding content focus. Two content areas will be chosen to use as a focus and opportunities for educators to incorporate content into hands-on activities, STEAM instruction, and methodologies into the classroom are part of the course work. 


Science as a Way of Knowing/Inquiry-Based Science Instruction (EDSP 608)

This course takes a historical look at science as a discipline, examines major changes and concepts and focuses on Integrated Science Instruction. The integration of best-practice inquiry-based science instruction demonstrated with numerous classroom activities will be included.


Differentiated Instruction (EDSP 615)

This course has been designed to guide educators to develop elements of differentiated instruction and explore how to integrate them with a STEAM instructional practice. This course will provide an overview of the application of differentiated instruction for all grade levels while focusing on the state and national standards.


Leading Innovations in the Schools (EDSP 642)

This course will help the educator understand how to identify and support a STEAM culture in a school or organizational setting. Innovations and new instructional models including Project Lead the Way will be integrated.


Children's Literature Across the Curriculum (EDUC 514)

This course will focus on digital storytelling and how to bring creativity into technical instruction for teachers and informal educators. This course presents ways in which selections of the best in children’s literature can be integrated into such curricular areas as art, language arts, mathematics, music, reading, social studies, and science. Educators will develop ways to use literature to promote critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity.

Have questions about the program? Contact Dr. Scott Grant at  [email protected] or 419-434-6798.​​