University of Findlay CAEP Approved Programs
Initial Licensure offered at the undergraduate and postbaccalaureate levels
Primary grades PK-5 |
Middle Childhood grades 4-9 |
Intervention Specialist grades K-12 |
AYA Life Science grades 7-12
AYA Integrated Science grades 7-12 |
AYA Integrated Social Studies grades 7-12 |
AYA Integrated Mathematics grades 7-12 |
AYA Integrated Language Arts grades 7-12 |
MA Visual Arts grades K-12
MA Foreign Language grades K-12
MA Health and PE grades K-12 |
MA TESOL grades K-12 |
Advanced Programs
Principal |
Superintendent |
School Psychology*to be reviewed next CAEP visit 2027
CAEP Annual Reporting Measures
The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
The University of Findlay College of Education (COE) was reviewed by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) in the fall of 2020. Full accreditation status was awarded to all COE programs with no areas of improvement of stipulations noted. Our next accreditation visit is in fall 2027. CAEP requires programs to provide performance measures to the public regarding eight categories related to program impact and program outcomes. The data below provides summary data for each of the eight measures.
Measure 1: Completer Effectiveness and Impact on P-12 Learning and Development (Component R4.1)
The Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) provided value added data for completers.
Description of Data:
Ohio's value-added data system provides information on student academic gains. As a vital component of Ohio's accountability system, districts and educators have access to an extensive array of diagnostic data through the Education Value-Added Assessment System (EVAAS). Schools can demonstrate through value added data that many of their students are achieving significant progress. Student growth measures also provide students and parents with evidence of the impact of their efforts. Educators and schools further use value-added data to inform instructional practices.
Value-Added Data 2018, 2019, 2020 from Completers
Most Effective | 10 (19%)
| 12 (24%)
| 15 (26%)
Above Average | 6 (11%)
| 6 (12%)
| 26 (46%)
Average | 10 (19%)
| 18 (34%)
| 6 (10%)
Approaching Average | 7 (13%)
| 5 (9%)
| 1 (2%)
Least Effective | 20 (38%)
| 11 (21%)
| 9 (16%)
Value-Added Data for 2021 and 2022 Teacher Completers:
Exceeded Expectations
| 14 (16%)
| 6 (8%)
Met Expectations
| 43 (50%) | 55 (75%)
Fell Short of Expectations
| 30 (34%) | 12 (16%)
Value added data provided by the state for 2023, listed above, indicates 84% of K-12 individual evaluations met or exceeded expectations on state assessments in 2022.
Value added data for principals from the state includes: no new data for 2022-2023
| 13
| N=3 23% | N=3 23% | N=2 15% | N=1 8% | N=4 31% |
The buildings had 60% medium-high poverty levels.
The ODHE provided data from the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES) for completers.
Description of Data:
Ohio's system for evaluating teachers (Ohio's Teacher Evaluation System) provides educators with a detailed view of their performance, with a focus on specific strengths and opportunities for improvement. The system is research-based and designed to be transparent, fair, and adaptable to the specific contexts of Ohio's school districts. Furthermore, it builds on what educators know about the importance of ongoing assessment and feedback as a powerful vehicle to support improved practice. Teacher performance and student academic growth are the two key components of Ohio's evaluation system.
An apparent dip in evaluations for the most recent "Initial License Effective Year" cohort comes from the perception that any given year's evaluation results is actually a chronological view of evaluations. Rather, it's a view of the evaluations from that school year, showing four different cohorts of licensed educators. The most recently licensed cohort will eventually have more evaluation results in its second year as more educators find employment as teachers or principals.
Limitations of the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES) Data:
- The information in the report is for those individuals receiving their licenses with effective years of 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021.
- The teacher evaluation data in this report are provided by the Ohio Department of Education.
- Due to ORC 3333.041(B), annual results must be masked for institutions with fewer than 10 completers with OTES data.
Licensure Year | # Accomplished | # Proficient | # Developing | # Ineffective |
| N<10
| 26
| N<10
| N<10
| N<10
| 19
| N<10
| N<10
| N<10
| 18
| N<10
| N<10
| N<10
| 10
| N<10
| N<10
Description of Data:
Ohio's ordered school-building closure and subsequent emergency legislation addressing the coronavirus pandemic-related issues (House Bill 197 of the 133rd General Assembly) had substantial impacts on state testing during the 2019-2020 school year. As a result, the OTES/OPES and Value-Added sections of this report will include limited or no data.
Ohio's system for evaluating principals (Ohio's Principal Evaluation System) provides building leaders with a detailed view of their performance, with a focus on specific strengths and opportunities for improvement.
The Ohio Principal Evaluation System (OPES) data reported here are limited in that the information in the report is for those individuals receiving their licenses with effective years of 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021.
An apparent dip in evaluations for the most recent "Initial License Effective Year" cohort comes from the perception that any given year's evaluation results are actually a chronological view of evaluations.
Rather, it's a view of the evaluations from that school year, showing four different cohorts of licensed educators. The most recently licensed cohort will eventually have more evaluation results in its second year as more educators find employment as teachers or principals.
License Year
| Accomplished
| Proficient
| Developing
| Ineffective
| <10
| <10
| <10
| <10
| <10
| <10
| <10
| <10
| <10
| <10
| <10
| <10
| <10
| <10
| <10
| <10
The N was less than 10 for all years. The EPP conducts focus groups each year, results from this focus group indicate that completers felt prepared for their current position.
Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement (Components R4.2, R5.3, and RA 4.1)
The program administers employer surveys of program graduates from one-year and three-year completers. The employer response rate was 78%. 87% of the employers who returned the survey felt alumni were well prepared, 53% were "very satisfied", 34% were "satisfied", 11% marked "improving", and 2% were "not satisfied".
An employment milestone is passing the Resident Educator Assessment in year three of teaching, the EPP has 100% passage rate:
Total number of Teachers in RESA for 2021-2022 = 114
| |
Years in RESA
| Total Number of Teachers
| Total Number to Pass RESA
Year 1
| 25
| First year
Year 2
| 38
| 10 (26%) passed
Year 3
| 26
| 69 (100%) passed, 8 (31%) passed in their 2nd year
Year 4
| 25
| 2 (8%) passed in their 2nd year, 23 (92%) passed in their 3rd year.
Employer surveys for advanced licensure completers noted 96% satisfaction in 2022-2023.
The COE promotes stakeholder involvement through the Education Advisory Council (EAC). The COE Education Advisory Council, which includes COE faculty, adjuncts, school partners, and other stakeholders, meets in the spring each year to discuss issues related to EPP operations and to provide feedback and suggestions. At this meeting, programs break into small groups for program-level discussion, feedback is noted in annual minutes and program leads implement suggestions from the group annually.
Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Program Completion (Component R3.3 and RA3.4)
Our candidates are passing the Ohio Assessments for Educators test to obtain a Resident Educator License.
Ohio Assessment for Educators 2022-2023 Passage Rates (UG & PB):
Total for the year: Univeristy of Findlay - 85% State - 80%
APK: AYA (7-12)
| 20 | 100% | 100% | 96% |
APK: EC (PK-3) | 17 | 94% | 100% | 89% |
APK: Mid Childhood (4-9) | 1 | 100% | 100% | 84% |
APK: Multi-Age (PK-12) | 18 | 100% | 100% | 92% |
Art | 1 | 100% | 100% | 85% |
Early Childhood Education | 8 | 88% | 100% | 85% |
English Language Arts | 5 | 100% | 100% | 77% |
Health | 8 | 88% | 100% | 88% |
Integrated Science | 11 | 91% | 100% | 81% |
Integrated Social Studies | 4 | 50% | 100% | 76% |
Mathematics | 5 | 80% | 100% | 63% |
Mid Grades English Lang Arts | 2 | 100% | 100% | 91% |
Mid Grades Mathematics | 1 | 100% | 100% | 76% |
Mid Grades Science | 1 | 0% | 100% | 87% |
Mid Grades S. Studies | 5 | 60% | 100% | 77% |
Physical Education | 6 | 74% | 100% | 74% |
Special Education | 16 | 88% | 100% | 81% |
Foundations of Reading | 40 | 70% | 100% | 73% |
Biology | 2 | 50% | 100% | 64%
Ohio Assessments for Educators: Advanced Principal Candidates pass rate 2022-2023:
Educational Leadership (09/13-Present) | 24
| 20
| 4
| 83%
| 17% | 235.5
| 235.8
The Title II report confirms the above licensure data.
Measure 4: Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Been Prepared (initial & advanced levels)
Initial | N=34 76% Employed 3% MAE Students 21% Unknown | N=56 84% Employed 15% MAE Students 1% Unknown
| N=42 74% Employed 7% MAE Students 19% Unknown | N=58 71% Employed 5% MAE Students 24% Unknown |
Advanced | N=40 90% Employed 10% Unknown 73% Employed in Administration | N=43 95% Employed 5% Unknown 67% Employed in Administration | N=31 97% Employed 3% Unknown 48% Employed in Administration | N=29 100% Employed 0% Unknown 48% Employed in Administration
Title II Report
As required by Title II of the Higher Education Act, the University of Findlay College of Education submits a teacher preparation program annual report on OAE pass rates, and other program characteristics to the State of Ohio.
The State of Ohio then submits to the United States Department of Education its annual report on teacher licensure requirements and teacher preparation programs from all university teacher education institutions. The Secretary reports to Congress and the public on the quality of teacher preparation programs in the nation.
To view current reports, click here.
Ohio Department of Higher Education
To view the current Ohio Department of Higher Education Educator Preparation Performance Report, click here.