Career Expo
Hiring representatives seek out our students at the annual Education Expo. This event is a job fair sponsored by the Career Centers of seven private universities/colleges in northwest Ohio. Ed Expo provides an opportunity for teacher candidates to meet with recruiters from school districts around the country. The event typically takes place early spring semester, allowing students to lock down jobs well before graduation. Many Findlay students find a job through this Expo ensuring employment after graduation.
While not a requirement of the course work, our faculty members are always excited to take future teachers to conferences where they can network and gain an understanding of the state of their future profession. Recently, assistant professor Mary Heather Munger, Ph.D., personally gathered a group of education students to see education at work on a state level. They traveled to Columbus, OH to attend the Ohio Deans Compact State Conference on Working Together to Ensure Equitable Opportunities to Learn for All Children. While there they heard from Anna Rowe who spoke about fostering resilient learners through self-awareness and self-care.
Also at the conference, keynote speaker Dr. Linda Dr. Darling-Hammond spoke on using the science of learning to ensure equitable opportunities to learn for all children. Darling-Hammond is the President and CEO of the Learning Policy, a member of the American Association of Arts and Sciences and of the National Academy of Education and served as the leader of President Barack Obama's education policy transition team. After the event, Findlay students had the opportunity to meet Dr. Darling-Hammond and discuss the current state of education.
What do local administrators have to say about our students?
"We have great experiences with Findlay grads, I can't think of a single one who has let us down. They are always willing to try new things and they're absolutely in it for the kids."
-Jay Clark, Middle School Principal
"The teachers we have hired from the University of Findlay are well trained, knowledgeable, and ready to teach on the very first day of school."
-Michael Brand, High School Principal