​​​​​​​​Meet​​ Our Faculty & Staff 

Strength & Conditioning

Stephanie A. Born, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Anatomy, Neuroscience, and Health Sciences and Director of the Exercise Science Program
Residence Hall- UF Haven Room 101
Cara L Davies, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Chair of Anatomy, Neuroscience and Health Sciences Department and Director of the Anatomy and Neuroscience Lab
Residence Hall- UF Village Room 1164
Melissa Weber
Administrative Assistant, Anatomy, Neuroscience, and Health Sciences and Social Work and Healthcare Services
Residence Hall- UF Haven Room 113 A
Bart Welte, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor in Anatomy, Neuroscience, and Health Sciences and Clinical Coordinator of the Strength and Conditioning Program
Residence Hall- UF Haven Room 103