​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Visiting Scholar

​​21st Annual Evening with a Leader in Occupational Therapy

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Featured Speaker:

Varleisha (Gibbs) Lyons, PhD, OTD, OTR/L, ASDCS, FAOTA, FNAP​

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Learn More About Our Speaker
Dr. Varleisha D. (Gibbs) Lyons, PhD, OTD, OTR/L, ASDCS,FAOTA, has over 20 years of experience as an occupational therapist. She founded and operated a private therapy firm for more than a decade and established Delaware’s first occupational therapy program. Dr. Lyons made history as the first Black Indigenous American woman to serve as the ScientificPrograms Officer at the American Occupational Therapy Foundation (AOTA).

Dr. Lyons currently holds the position of vice president of diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, access & belonging and governance at AOTA where she has also served as the vice president of practice engagement and capacity building. An international lecturer and author of four books -including a bestseller - Dr. Lyons is dedicated to mentoring underrepresented individuals and fostering growth and healing despite traumatic experiences or diagnoses.

Her research spans multiple disciplines and professions, with grant funding in community-based services and interprofessional education and care. Through her efforts, she has guided many into the occupational therapy profession and supported families nationwide through her volunteer work. Dr. Lyons’ areas of expertise include neuroanatomy, self-regulation strategies across the lifespan, health inequities, and trauma-responsive approaches.

​For more information, call 419-434-6936 or email [email protected].

Previous Visiting Scholars

2024​ -Jennifer Summers, OTD, OT/L​​

Associate Professor and Doctoral Capstone Coordinator for the 

entry level OTD program at University of Illinois Chicago


​2023​ - Alyson Stover, MOT, JD, OTR/L, BCP

Department of Occupational Therapy at the University of Pittsburgh

AOTA Board Certification in Pediatrics

​2022 - Arameh Anvarizadeh, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA

Director of Admissions and Associate Professor of Clinical Occupational Therapy at the 

USC Mrs. T.H. Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy​

2021 - Catherine Verrier Piersol, Ph.D., OTR/L, FAOTA

Professor and Chair, Department of Occupational Therapy, Thomas Jefferson University

Director, Jefferson Elder Care, Jefferson College of Rehabilitation Sciences​

​2020 - Wendy Hildenbrand, Ph.D., MPH, OTR/L, FAOTA

Rise Above! Role Conflict at the Intersection of Policy and Frontline Practice

Population Health and Occupational Therapy: Yes, We Can…and We Do!

2017 OT Visiting Scholar

2019 - Tina Champagne, OTD, OTR/L, CCAP, FAOTA

A nonlinear dynamic approach to integrating sensory processing, trauma-informed care and occupational therapy practice across practice areas

​Navigating sensory processing across the lifespan​

2017 OT Visiting Scholar

2018 - Janice P. Burke, Ph.D., OTR/L, FAOTA

Productivity, Outcomes & Evidence in the Clinic: Protecting the Future of the Therapeutic Encounter

How Conceptual Ideas Take Hold & Endure: The Model of Human Occupation

2017 OT Visiting Scholar 2017 - Michael Iwama Ph.D. OT(C)

Addressing Diversity: Occupational Therapy's Promise of Cultural Relevance

An Introduction to the Kawa Model


2016 - Dr. Virginia Stoffel

Dr. Virginia (Ginny) Stoffel, current president of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), addressed a large gathering of students, clinicians, and educators on February 4th and 5th, 2016. Her presentations were entitled: Leadership in Mental Health Occupational Therapy: Building Capacity and Workforce Development and Leadership in Mental Health Occupational Therapy: Becoming a Change agent Promoting Mental Health.


2015 - Dr. Neil Harvison

Practice after 2017: What are Driving the Changes in How We Will Be Practicing Occupational Therapy?
Leading Occupational Therapy Into its Second Hundred Years: What Will Our Future Leaders Need to Know?

Muñoz2014 - Dr. Jaime Muñoz

Culturally Responsive Caring: What, Why, How?
The Scholarship of Practice in Community-Based Programs



Lamb2013 - Dr. Amy Lamb

Health Reform: Strategies for health care professionals on the frontline
Advocacy in policy: Making the Occupational Therapy Voice Heard

Parham2012 - Dr. Diane Parham

Why Play? The Serious Nature of Play in Health and Development
Play: A Powerful Tool in Occupational Therapy


Taylor2011 - Dr. Renee Taylor

The Intentional Relationship: Reinvigorating the Vision for Client-Centered Practice in Occupational Therapy
The Intentional Relationship: Clinical Tools for Navigating the Challenges of Fieldwork and Beyond


2010 - Dr. Roxie Black

Is Culturally Competent Care Achievable?
Becoming Culturally Competent Students: Focus on Self

Jacobs2009 - Dr. Karen Jacobs

How Full is Your Backpack?
Being an Occupation FANATIC

Clark2008 - Dr. Florence Clark

AOTA's Centennial Vision: What is it and What Does it Mean for Practice?
The Centennial Vision and Occupational Therapy in Health and  Wellness: Lifestyle Redesign

Christiansen2007 - Dr. Charles Christiansen

Occupational Therapy's Vision for 2017 and Beyond
Promoting Resilience Through Life-Style Intervention

DUNN2006 - Dr. Winnie Dunn

Going Public: We're Not Just About Disability Anymore
Creating a 'Sensational' Practice


2005 - Dr. Carolyn Baum

The Future of Occupational Therapy
The Older Adult
Students Making a Difference Engagement in Everyday Activity