​​​​​​Physical Therapy Program Outcomes

Pass Rates

Pass rates of Findlay's PT students taking the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE):

​Weekend ​PTA to DPT Bridge Program Outcomes ​ ​ ​
Ultimate NPTE pass rateTwo-year average​2023 and 2024

​2022 and 2023
2021 and 2022
First-time NPTE pass rateTwo-year average2023 and 2024​93.75%

2022 and 2023​93.50%
2021 and 2022 92.95%
Graduation RateTwo-year average2023 and 2024​97.00%

2022 and 2023​91.35%

2021 and 2022​92.00%
​​Employment Rate
​2023 and 2024
​2022 and 2023

​2021 and 2022

Traditional DPT Program: ​ ​ ​
Ultimate NPTE pass rate Two-year average2023 and 2024
 2022 and 2023
2021 and 202297%
First-time NPTE pass rateTwo-year average2023 and 2024

2022 and 2023
2021 and 202291%
Graduation RateTwo-year average2023 and 2024

2022 and 2023

2021 and 202294.6%
Employment RateTwo-year average2023 and 2024

2022 and 2023
​2021 and 2022

The Physical Therapy Program works very hard to give you the best education possible! Here are some areas we are proud to talk about:

Program Offerings & Highlights

In our traditional program, there are three entry pathways:

  1. Early Assurance 3+3
  2. 3+3 Application
  3. Graduate Entry

Early Assurance 3+3

The 3+3 entry process consists of three years of pre-professional study (general education and pre-requisites) and three years of professional study (PT program curriculum). This allows for the completion of the degree in six years. With extensive post-secondary credit, exceptional students are able to complete the “3+3” in five years.

3+3 Application

For the 3+3 students, we are a private college with small undergraduate class sizes and a small community feel that our undergrad 3+3 students appreciate. Our Doctor of Physical Therapy cohorts consist of no more than 36 students.

Graduate Entry

We are the leader for the PTA to bridge to the DPT. We are the longest existing Weekend PTA to DPT Bridge Program for Physical Therapist Assistants (PTAs) to obtain their DPT degree. We know and understand the PTA.

  • We offer dedicated classroom and laboratory spaces with a faculty-to-student clinical laboratory course ratio of 16:1

  • In 2021, 35 student/faculty research projects were published or accepted for publication or presentation at state or national venues.

  • Multiple service-learning and experiential learning opportunities are embedded in our Traditional program. Students report positive benefits to their confidence and patient interaction skills due to these experiences early in the program.

  • We offer support for students preparing for the National Physical Therapy Association in the third year of both programs.​

  • We have a state-of-the-art research laboratory including a 3-dimensional gait analysis system.

  • Choose from over 2000 clinical education sites. We will also establish new contracts if there is no availability within generally a 60-mile radius of your home

  • Our faculty has an average of 20 years of clinical experience and 11 years of teaching experience with many faculty maintaining a clinical practice as well

  • Our faculty includes researchers, expert educators, and practicing clinicians with a variety of clinical experiences, degrees, and research expertise.

Faculty in the Physical Therapy Program work collaboratively with Career Services to host skills-building workshops to help students with resume writing, interviewing skills, and techniques for negotiating. A job fair welcoming local and regional employers provides the students with the opportunity to practice networking skills and research employment options post-graduation. 

Our graduates can work in a variety of settings including hospitals, schools, nursing homes, home health, rehabilitation centers, outpatient clinics, and educational institutions.