Shane Coleman​
| ​Gentrification: Measuring Neighborhood Change and Community Perceptions
Justin Dennen
| Teacher Perceptions of Restorative Justice Practices in a Classroom Setting
​Anna Hall
| ​LGBTQ+ Students in Schools: Challenging Heteronormativity Through Best Practices of Inclusion and Social Support
Gary Herman
| ​The Ohio Blended Collaborative: Impact on Students' 21st Century Skills
Kathryn Jimenez
| ​Professional Development Impact on Teacher Attitudes: An Analysis of Three Models of Porfessional Learning Using an Andragogical Framework
Lisa Kelp
| ​The Efficacy of NGSS Curricula in Improving Middle School Student Performance on Science Assessments
Tanya Marroquin
| ​How Do Different Pedagogies, Locus of Control, and Worldview Impact the Environmental Habits of High School Students
​Meredith Marsh​
| ​Improving Equestrian Student Retention
​Kelly Davis-Meyers
| Essential Elements of Entry-Year Mentoring Programs: An Examination of the Access to and Benefit of Ohio's Mentoring Model and the Importance of Mentoring Novice Principals
​Debra Ponce
| ​TPACK: Assessing the Relationship Between High School In-Service World Language Teachers Self-Reported TPACK and ACTFL Language Performance Indicators
Laura Sass
| ​Embrace the Journey: Applying Q Methodology to Explore Induction Experiences of Teachers in Ohio Independent STEM Schools
​Nicole Schroeder
| ​Entry-Level Doctor of Physical Therapy Student Critical Thinking Ability and Clinical Reasoning Perceptions Prior to Beginning a DPT Program
​Daniel Sheppard
| ​The Effects of a Self-Regulated Learning Intervention in a Middle School Personalized Learning Environment
​Christy Stinehelfer
| ​Interest, Value, and Self-Determination: A​n Analysis of High School Students' Participation in a Dual Enrollment Environmental Science Course
​Donna Taylor
| ​Urban Principals' Perceptions of Various Professional Development Modalities
​Ben Wilhelm
| ​School District Expenditure and Student Achievement in Ohio
​Jennifer Wooding
| ​Inviting Educators into Their Learning - The Relationship Between Personalized Professional Learning and Academic Optimism in K-5 E​ducators