​Our Ed.D. Alumni Dissertation​ Titles


2024​ Graduates


Dissertation Title​

Shane Coleman​
​Gentrification: Measuring Neighborhood Change and Community Perceptions
Justin Dennen
Teacher Perceptions of Restorative Justice Practices in a Classroom Setting
​Anna Hall
​LGBTQ+ Students in Schools: Challenging Heteronormativity Through Best Practices of Inclusion and Social Support
Gary Herman
​The Ohio Blended Collaborative: Impact on Students' 21st Century Skills
Kathryn Jimenez
​Professional Development Impact on Teacher Attitudes: An Analysis of Three Models of Porfessional Learning Using an Andragogical Framework
Lisa Kelp
​The Efficacy of NGSS Curricula in Improving Middle School Student Performance on Science Assessments
Tanya Marroquin
​How Do Different Pedagogies, Locus of Control, and Worldview Impact the Environmental Habits of High School Students
​Meredith Marsh​
​Improving Equestrian Student Retention
​Kelly Davis-Meyers
Essential Elements of Entry-Year Mentoring Programs: An Examination of the Access to and Benefit of Ohio's Mentoring Model and the Importance of Mentoring Novice Principals

​Debra Ponce

​TPACK: Assessing the Relationship Between High School In-Service World Language Teachers Self-Reported TPACK and ACTFL Language Performance Indicators
Laura Sass

​Embrace the Journey: Applying Q Methodology to Explore Induction Experiences of Teachers in Ohio Independent STEM Schools
​Nicole Schroeder

​Entry-Level Doctor of Physical Therapy Student Critical Thinking Ability and Clinical Reasoning Perceptions Prior to Beginning a DPT Program 
​Daniel Sheppard

​The Effects of a Self-Regulated Learning Intervention in a Middle School Personalized Learning Environment 
​Christy Stinehelfer

​Interest, Value, and Self-Determination: A​n Analysis of High School Students' Participation in a Dual Enrollment Environmental Science Course 
​Donna Taylor

​Urban Principals' Perceptions of Various Professional Development Modalities 
​Ben Wilhelm

​School District Expenditure and Student Achievement in Ohio 
​Jennifer Wooding

​Inviting Educators into Their Learning - The Relationship Between Personalized Professional Learning and Academic Optimism in K-5 E​ducators



2023 Graduates


Dissertation Title​

Leah Brant​
​Therapy Dogs Helping College Students Make the Connection
​Sherry Coogler
Positioning Ninth Grade Students to Succeed: A School-Based Team Evaluation Case Study
​Janet Engle
​Project-Based Learning, Achievement Level, Knowledge Gains, and Knowledge Retention in a High School Mathematics Classroom
Heath Horton
​Pathways to the Classroom for African-American Males
​Curtis Kachur​
​Examining the Efficacy of Academic Hope for Traditional Probationary and Non-Traditional Students
Taylor Pawliski
​Analysis of Flipgrid-Based Discussion Activities, Teacher Training, Student Choice, and Middle School Reading Motivation 
​Melissa Recker
​A Document Analysis of Ohio’s K-12 Social and Emotional Learning Standards and Theory Alignment: Social and Emotional Learning defined through exploration of Albert Bandura’s Social Theory and Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
​Jeremy Rothstein​
​The Relation of an Advisory Program on Student Connectedness to the School, Teacher, and Advisory Teacher
​Robin Schulz
​The Social Impact of an Inclusive Elementary School Dance Program

​Jennifer Sulzer

​The Effect of Therapeutic Breathwork on Stress Experienced by Associate Degree Nursing Students
​Nicolle Wheeler

​The Effect of Hybrid Learning on 6th Grade Students’ Engagement and Social Emotional Well-Being Through the Lens of Teachers During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Northwest Ohio
​Katina Williams

​The Role of Spirituality in the Lives of African American Women Who Have Experienced Trauma 
​Robert Winton

​Active Shooter Mitigation in Ohio Public High Schools



​​2022 Graduates


Dissertation Title​

​​James Caleb Evans​

​The Impact Online, Standards-based Homework Assignments have on Student Homework Completion and Academic Self-Reflection in a High School Science Classroom
​Samantha Kula​

​Exploring the Use of Morphology Instruction within Biology Classrooms to Promote Success for Students with Dyslexia
​Erica McMillon
​Post-Secondary Decision-making for Military Connected Families and their Students
​Beth (Yoder) Voll
​Music Performance Anxiety in K-12 Band Directors
​Megan McLaughlin​
​An Exploration Into Effective Pedagogies in Occupational Therapy Education For The Safe and Effective Use Of Physical Agents
​Sarah Ramirez
​Student Mobility: Former Students' Perspectives and Mitigation Strategies
​Dave Verhoff​​The Effects of Attentional Focus on Performance, Perceived Exertion, Affect, and Kinematics in Recreational Runners
​Zachary Shutler

​Examining the Impact of a Transformational Leadership Coaching Program on the Professional Engagement Levels of Teachers at a Rural School District​
​Antonio Davis
​Identifying Factors of Effective Mentoring Relationships between Adults and Elementary Students in Urban Settings
​Jesse Steiner​​Person-Environment Fit, Demands-Ability Fit, and Effective Teacher Retention
Jenny Evans
​Learning to Talk to One Another: A Study to Implement Collaboration in Healthcare Studies
​Janet Engle

​Project-Based Learning, Achievement Level, Knowledge Gains and Knowledge Retention in a High School Mathematics Classroom
​​Christine Weber
​An Examination of Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) Leadership Programs and Current Leadership Theories​

​2021 Graduates 



​Dissertation Title

​Kristi Beall 

​How Campus Support Programs Impact Former Foster Youths’ Success In Higher Education. 

​Josh Biederstedt
​The Impact of Formative Experiences on a Pre-Existing Growth Mindset.​

​Kenneth Blood

​Professional Development of Novice Athletic Training Faculty. 

​Brian Bowser

​Key Factors Influencing Longevity in Ohio's School Superintendents.

​Shannon Estes

​The Teacher-Student Relationship and its Impact on At-Risk Students’ Effort, Confidence, and Motivation in Reading. 

​Kristie Fetty

​A Cipp Evaluation Of A Middle School’s Social And Emotional Learning Program. 

​Scott Mann

​Rural Superintendent Perspectives On Teacher Retention: The Impact Of Principal Leadership And Teacher Mentoring. 

​Kate Peters

Perceptions And Prevalence Of Empathy Coursework For Preservice Teachers In Ohio 4-Year Colleges.​

​Vincent Shoham

​How Mainstream Teachers in a Low Incidence District Perceive Personal Competence and Effectiveness of Training and Professional Development in the Area of ELL Education. 

​Miranda Tippie

​Sensory Modulation Program for Complex Trauma and Intense Emotions: How Level Two Occupational Therapy Students Transfer Sensory Interventions to a Medical Model Setting.

​Rob Underwood

​​An Empirical Study Of The R-Factor And Its Impact On Social And Emotional Learning, School Climate, And Student Discipline.​


​​2020 Graduates



Dissertation Title​

​Angela Belcher
​Effects of Looping, Kindergarten to First Grade, and Performance on State Reading Tests in Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grades: A Case Study
​Erik Belcher​
Effects of Pearson's Digital Learning Solution on the 11th Grade Students' Act Growth in a Regional Education Consortium in Northwest Ohio
Laura Davis-McMasters​
Academic Coaching as a part of Response to Intervention 
​Andrew Du Fresne
Can Audits be an Effective Method to Improve Information Governance Compliance Objectives? 
​Derek Friess
​Do Teachers Feel Trusted By Their Administrators?
​Amanda Gensler
​Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices Among Adult English as a Second Language Instructors
​Paulina Rodgers
​Effects of Multicultural Literature on Dominant Culture Students' Cultural Awareness
Dana Romaker​​Benefits of a Flipped Classroom for Developmental Math Students
​Pat Santanello
​The Experiences of Parents/Caregivers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder at a Sensory Friendly Theatre Performance
​Jaime Stewart
​Job Satisfaction Among High School Assistant Principals in Ohio: A Qualitative Study of the Effects of Role Ambiguity, Role Conflict, Job Facets, and Demographics 
​Dolores Swineford
​How Novice Teachers Describe Their Preparation to be Writing Teachers: A Mixed Methods Study
​Jonathan Woodward
​Spiritual Formation in Christian Higher Education

​2019 Graduates



Dissertation Title

​Jamie Biecheler
​Executive Functions in the Schools: Teacher Awareness, Knowledge, and Beliefs of Executive Functions in Relation to Academics
​Adam Calhoun
​Teacher-Student Relationships, Classroom Environment, and Student Intrinsic Motivation
​Hannah Harnar
​Professional Athletic Training Students' Grit and Achievement Goal Orientation Effect on Persistence in an Athletic Training Program
​Jeff Havelka
​A Study of Non-Cognitive Factors and Their Influence on NCAA Division III Student Wrestler Academic and Athletic Success
​Julie Mercer
Executive Functions in Stability Ball in the Classroom: Effects on Engagement and Achievement â€‹
Brendon Moody
​Educator Preparation Provider Training and Technology Integration
​Terri Moore
​Diversity in Young-Adult Literature and Its Impact on Self-Identity in Minority and Majority Students in the Secondary English Classroom
​Ryan Musgrave
​Developing Pedagogical Expertise in Athletic Training Faculty
​Jason Robinson
Differentiation - An Examination of Varying Definitions amongst Teachers and Administrators
Suweeyah Salih
​African American Vernacular English and the Achievement Gap: How Teacher Perception Impacts Instruction and Student Motivation
​Kerry Teeple
​Components of Docent Training Programs in Nationally Accredited Museums in the United States and Their Correspondence to the Adult Learning Model for Faculty Development
​Tiffany Toot
​A Comparison Study: The Impacts of Montessori and Conventional Elementary Standards-Based Language Arts Curricula on Preschool Students' Phonemic Awareness and Reading Readiness Skills 
Kerry Volansky​
​What are Best Practices to Teach Orthopedic Psychomotor Skills in an Online Environment?


​​2018 Graduates



Dissertation Title

​Kirby Overton
​Diversity in Higher Education: Positive Motivational Factors for African Americans Pursuing Doctoral Degrees to Acquire Tenured Faculty Positions
​Holly Christie
​Analysis of Parent and Teacher Perspectives On Preschool Opportunities For Children of Low-Socioeconomic Status 
​Eliza Osae-Kwapong
​The Transition: Developmental Math to College Level Math
​Michelle Pelz
Gender Disparities in Exclusionary Discipline in Grades 6-8: Study of Behavioral Expectations and Discipline Decisions for Students in Relation to Gender of Administrators
​Terry Reed​
​Traditional versus Electronic: A Study of Effective Feedback Methods
​Ron Rogers
​An Examination of the Opportunities and Obstacles of Parent Engagement 
​Sophia Speelman
​A Mixed-Methods Study of Academic Achievement and Academic Progress in 9-12 Ohio Public Charter Schools Versus Their Counterparts in Traditional Public SchoolDistricts: Identifying Successful Charter School Teaching Practices
​Sonia Wehrlin
Teaching Interpersonal Communication Skills in Athletic Training Professional Education: A Mixed Methods Study​


2017 Graduates



Dissertation Title

​​Brian Billings
​Teacher Perception of the Ceiling Effect With Gifted Students and the Impact on Teacher Value-Added Scores and Teacher Evaluation
​Ted Haselman
​Does School Discipline Style Make a Difference? 
​Jason Horstman
​Comparing Career Decision Self-Efficacy Among High School Students
Brittany Mention​​21st Century Segregation: An analysis of Racial Disparity in Cincinnati Parochial School
​Krontayia Moss
​Wraparound: An Impactful Approach to Fostering Resilient Youth
​Kara Parker
​Cognitive Assessment in Emotional Disturbance Evaluation: School Psychologists' Practices and Perspectives
​Megan Peugeot
​Impact of Academic and Nonacademic Support Structures On Third Grade Reading Achievement
Lauren Tiell
​An Ethnographic Case Student on the Phenomena of Blended Learning Teachers
​Lisa Walden
​Interprofessional Education: An Investigation of Healthcare Students' Attitudes and Why These Attitudes Exist 
​Robin Walters Powell
​The Impact of Social Networks on the Coming-Out Process for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals
​Debbie Wotring
Factors Influencing Reading Growth In Online K-2 Students​

2016 Graduates



Dissertation Title

​James Bocian
Parental Involvement in the Digital Age: Examining Parental Access to Student Web Portals in Grades 7-12
Greg Denecker
​The Effectiveness of the Ohio School Leadership Institute
​Pam Downing
​Effects of Teacher Evaluation on Teacher Job Satisfaction in Ohio
​Tod Hug
​The Impact on Teaching and Learning of the One-To-One Laptop Initiative at the Ayersville Local Schools 
​Vincent Laverick​
​Thinking About Teaching: Does Mentoring a Student Teacher Cause a Cooperating Teacher to be More Reflective?
Mary Riepenhoff​
College Aspirations to Completed Applications: A Study of International High School Practices Designed to Increase Post-Secondary Enrollment
​Jayson Selgo
​School Sponsored Athletic Participation and The Impact on Student Achievement at the High School Level
​Rachel Eicher
​A Study of Pre-Service Teacher Efficacy During a Phonics Field Experience
​Robert Hlasko
​Identity Crisis: A Comparison of Stakeholder Perceptions Regarding K-12 Educational Mission
Jo Lee
​Gender Differences in the Homework Preferences of Students with Low Self-Regulation
​Lisa Morse
Relationships of Stakeholder Perceptions of School Climate
Lindsey Roush
​Examining the Efficacy of Multiple Intelligence-Based Pedagogical Approaches on Males in Elementary Mathematics​
​Kelly Schooler
​Predicting Ohio Principals' Intentions and Practices Toward State Evaluation-Based Professional Growth Plans Using the Theory of Planned Behavior â€‹
​Elizabeth Smith
​An Examination of the Alignment of the Proposed Ohio School Counselor Evaluation System with the Views and Perceptions of School Administrators and Counselors on the Roles of School Counselors in Northwest Ohio



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