Institutional Animal Care and Use

​​​​IACUC Forms​​

A completed protocol form must be submitted for review to the UF Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) prior to initiation of the project. Submitted the completed protocol with all signatures to [email protected]. Allow at least eight weeks for the review process.

An Amendment is required when a PI would like to make a change to an approved protocol.

Amendments to protocols require Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) review and approval prior to initiation. Proposed modifications to an approved protocol include, but are not limited to, additional procedures or modification of procedures (including frequency, duration, or number), changes in analgesics or anesthetics, species or number of animals, housing, etc.  The IACUC reserves the right to determine whether proposed changes require more information, full committee review, or submission of a new protocol. When submitting an amendment, the Principal Investigator is required to review all of the details of the original protocol to ensure that all un-amended details remain identical to the original protocol. Submit the completed amendments with signatures to [email protected], Allow at least four weeks for the review process.​

Federal and University policies require annual reporting on the status of all animal protocols. This application is used for the first and second progress report of an approved animal protocol. Please complete the form below and submit with your signature to [email protected]. This form must be received a minimum of 14 days prior to the due date (annually on date of approval). Note: The third-year renewal of an approved animal protocol requires submission of a new application for full-committee review in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Contact IACUC with questions at [email protected].