Institutional Review Board

​​​​IRB Training

IRB requires the Principal Investigator (PI) and recommends Student Researchers (SI) have valid human subjects training prior to submitting a proposal to IRB.​ â€‹IRB will accept training from sources such as CITI, or NIH.  Training from those entities will be considered valid for three years from the date the training was completed.

IRB Members can conduct a training session for your college or department. Please contact IRB Chair to schedule a department training.

Certificates of completion should be emailed to

Below are links to various training sources for IRB.

CITI Program​

UF has subscribed to CITI program to be able to offer Human and Animal subjects training to PI and SI reserchers.


CITI Program log in instructions IRB.pdf

To verify if your training certificate on file is valid contact IRB Officer at

Training Video for IRB procedures: IRB History.mp4 
History captions

*Created and Narrated by E. Burnside; 2015

IRB Training updated 2023​​

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