​​​​​​​​Media Relations Policy


The University of Findlay values transparency and ethical information dissemination while respecting the privacy of our University community. The news media play a critical role in communication, and UF is committed to being responsive while ensuring accurate and professional messaging. 

Official Spokes​​​people

The Office of Marketing and Communications serves as the primary point of contact for all media inquiries. The office is responsible for coordinating responses, crafting official University messaging, and ensuring a unified voice in external communications. University administrators may also designate other staff members as official spokespeople on specific issues when necessary.

Working with O​​ur Me​​dia Partners

All media requests should immediately be forwarded to the Office of Marketing and Communications, which will respond promptly and professionally, connecting media representatives with appropriate faculty, staff, or students as needed.

Students, faculty, and staff who wish to initiate contact with the media should first coordinate the Office of Marketing and Communications to ensure alignment with UF's messaging and media strategy.

The Office of Marketing and Communications is responsible for writing and distributing all UF press releases, except for those related to athletic games, team information, and corresponding events. However, the office may assist in sharing athletic-related stories at the request of the athletic director or sports information director.

UF appreciates the cooperation of students, faculty,​​ and staff in supporting media-related requests.

Under no circumstances should information regarding pending or current litigation be discussed publicly without prior approval from the University President.

Media wishing to visit campus should first contact The Office of Marketing and Communications​. While on campus, media representatives must be accompanied by a designated staff member from the office or another University representative assigned by Marketing and Communications.

​Proper Re​​sponses Regarding Media Inquiries:

Direct Contact by the Media – If you receive a direct media inquiry, please refer the request to the Office of Marketing and Communications via email or phone. Contact information can be found at www.findlay.edu using keywords "Marketing and Communications.​"

Media Present on Campus Without a University Representative – If you notice unaccompanied media representatives on campus, please offer assistance and inquire about their purpose. Contact the Office of Marketing and Communications immediately with details, including the news organization they represent and their location on campus.

Publicizing University-Related Information – Faculty, staff, and students who have University-related information they would like to publicize should contact the Office of Marketing and Communications as early as possible. This ensures enough time for writing, multimedia production, and effective public notification.

Addressing Publicized Errors or Misinformation – If a published error or misinformation about UF is identified, notify the Office of Marketing and Communications immediately. The office will work with the respective media outlet to correct the error and, if necessary, provide additional information for clarification.

The University of Findlay remains committed to effective media engagement while upholding our institutional values and ensuring accurate representation in all external communications.​