The UF Spirit Rock

Located outside of Morey Hall, the Spirit Rock represents an opportunity for the campus community to show their UF pride, creativity, and celebrate accomplishments. Students, faculty, and staff can reserve the rock to paint anything including to show UF pride, wish an athletic team good luck, celebrate a holiday, promote an event, or simply to create something beautiful.
You can reserve the Spirit Rock by contacting the Office of Marketing and Communication. 

Guidelines for Painting the Spirit Rock

  • The Rock can be reserved for 7 days at a time, Sunday-Saturday, unless otherwise coordinated with Marketing. The first day you have the rock reserved is the day you can paint the rock.
  • Reservations are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Please keep in mind, that the earlier you make your reservation, the more likely you are to secure your desired date(s). So, please be understanding if the date you request is unavailable.
  • Individuals who reserve the rock are responsible to provide their own paint and supplies.​
  • Any cost associated with removing/cleaning excess painting will be the responsibility of the individual or the approved student group/club/organization for the painting of the Spirit Rock.
  • Zero tolerance for inappropriate text or images. Anything painted on the Spirit Rock must adhere to University policies. The University along with the Office of Marketing and Communication reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to remove anything from the Spirit Rock that is deemed inappropriate.​

Tips For Painting the Rock.

  • Plan your design ahead of time by sketching out your ideas, choosing colors, etc.

  • The most popular and fastest drying paint to use is spray paint. You will probably need 2 cans for a good base coat (more if your base coat is white).

  • Small (1”) brushes or sponges work well for lettering and details.

  • A piece of chalk is helpful for writing any letters/words before painting.

  • Bring a trash bag to take home all items as you will need to properly discard all painting supplies.​

History of the Spirit Rock

The Spirit Rock originated in a field west of Findlay.  Thanks to a generous donor and the Office of Student Services, the Spirit Rock was transported to campus in 2015. 

In 2019, the Spirit Rock found a new home outside of Morey Hall where it sits proudly today for campus to enjoy.

    Please email the Office of Marketing and Communication at [email protected] with any questions or concerns regarding the Spirit Rock.​