Campus Safety and Security is open 24/7, 365 days a year.
It is comprised of security guards and certified armed police officers. The office enforces policies including parking on all campuses of the University along with laws of the City of Findlay and State of Ohio. The office also monitors the Code Blue Emergency Phones around campus. Code Blues are activated by pushing the “PUSH FOR HELP” button on the blue light phones. Campus Safety and Security also takes reports anonymously of violent acts or threats on its website by clicking on “Report a Safety Concern,” “Silent Victim Witness Report” or “Violent Act/Threat Report Link.”
If you need assistance, call security at 419-434-4799. On any University of Findlay property, a campus safety and security officer (Police or Security ) will be dispatched to take the report. If you need law enforcement assistance in the City of Findlay but not on University of Findlay property, contact the City of Findlay Police Department at 419-424-7163. If you need law enforcement assistance outside City of Findlay limits and not on University of Findlay property, contact The Hancock County Sheriff’s Office at 419-422-2424.
Services include:
Escorts – medical and safety
Locking/Unlocking doors on campus
Vehicle unlocks
Vehicle jumpstarts
Vehicles tire inflation
Bicycle Theft Program – offering free bike locks
Welfare checks
Response to all emergency situations
Residence halls are locked at 9 p.m., allowing for key access by residents only.
They are unlocked again at approximately 7 a.m. During non-visitation hours all guests of the opposite sex in a residence hall must be escorted by a resident of that hall. Lack of an escort helps identify those individuals who may not have any reason to be in the halls and who may cause a security problem.
Student Resident Assistants and Resident Directors help monitor the presence of visitors, particularly during the evening hours. They also report all infractions of University residence hall policy to the Office of Student Affairs. The Residence Life Staff is trained in the policies for reporting crime to both the campus security personnel and to the local law enforcement agencies. These policies are reviewed with the Residence Life Staff each year and are part of their official training manuals.
Fire drills are held twice each year by the Residence Life Staff.
Residence halls are equipped with hallway smoke detectors and pull stations which are connected to a central system in order to notify all residents of an alarm. In addition, individual rooms are equipped with non-system smoke detectors for the safety of those within the room. All students must leave the building when an alarm sounds.