​Frequently Asked Questions About Greek Life

Why should I go Greek?  What are the benefits?

Benefits include supportive friends, leadership opportunities, community service and philanthropy opportunities, the chance to socialize within your chapter and with other chapters, career opportunities, and becoming part of a national network.  Membership is for life, and the benefits will continue after you graduate from The University of Findlay. Visit this page to learn more about why students choose to go Greek.

How does recruitment work?

There are recruitment weeks in both the fall and spring semesters.  Please visit this page for more information.

What kind of financial commitment can be expected?

Joining a fraternity or sorority is an investment in a student's development. Fees required by fraternity and sorority organizations support chapter operational expenses, chapter functions, and national organizations dues.

We encourage students to ask questions about finances during the recruitment processes. Each chapter is responsible for determined dues, as well as one-time new member and initiation fees. Costs will vary by organization. 

What kind of time commitment can be expected?

Each chapter differs in what it requires of members. There are time commitments and obligations of each fraternity and sorority member. For general members, chapters typically have a weekly chapter meeting. Additionally, chapters host philanthropy, community service, social, and chapter events throughout the semester. However, new members will have specific new member meeting to learn about their new organization. During the recruitment process students should ask each chapter about their specific requirements.

What is the difference between the individual organizations?

One of the ways to learn about each of our chapters is to visit their national websites.  If you're considering going Greek, take the time to attend events sponsored by each of the chapters.  This will help you get to know members from each organization.



UF is committed to maintaining a safe environment for everyone during their Oiler experience. Hazing can cause irreparable harm to victims, victims' families and the University community. Hazing is against Ohio law, and University policy. For more information about UF's Anti Hazing Policy and Procedures, as well as support and resources, please visit UF's Oilers Against Hazing page (link).

Families are encouraged to have frank conversations with their students about activities that may occur in a group situation that make them uncomfortable or put them or others at risk. There are many avenues for reporting misconduct. Be sure to discuss the importance of bystander intervention with your student. All members of the University's community are expected to report hazing by contacting any of the following:

  • The Associate Vice President for Safety & Wellness
    • Old Main #45, 419-434-4733
  • Office of Equity & Title IX
    • Old Main Office #45, 419-434-4739
  • Office of Student Affairs
    • 1st Floor Old Main, 419-434-4570
  • Campus Safety
    • 419-434-4799
  • Online reporting is available through Guardian here .
  • Anonymous reporting of crimes is available through Campus Safety's Silent Victim/Witness Program here
    • Note that providing information anonymously may impede the University's ability to respond to and investigate the reported incident(s).
  • In the event of an emergency, individuals should dial 911 before contacting Campus Safety.

Other Considerations

  • What do you hope to get out of your college experience?
  • What kinds of volunteer work do you enjoy or want to get involved in?
  • What are the current members involved in?
  • What are the three most important things that you hope to get out a fraternity/sorority experience?
  • What are the organization's values?  More importantly, what are your values? And do they align?


How can I learn more about Greek life at UF?

Feel free to contact the Student Activities Office (Alumni Memorial Union #8, 419-434-4606, or [email protected] ) with any questions you have about Greek Life at UF.  You can also contact any member of one of our chapters to learn more about their chapter.