In 2013, Marian Lowe, UF alumna, created the LGBT Program Initiatives Operating Endowment to enhance efforts to advance research, advocacy and support for the University of Findlay LGBTQ+ community, as well as the Findlay-area community. Shortly thereafter, the LGBT Program Initiatives Committee was formed to assist in carrying out the purpose of the fund.
Submit a Program Proposal for Funding
We value your creativity, enthusiasm, and commitment and we are willing to pay for it! The LGBT Program Initiatives Committee is seeking your proposal to advance research, advocacy, support and outreach for the University of Findlay LGBTQ+ community. Whether you are part of a student organization, are developing research for a class project, or just have a great idea that you think would enhance our campus, please develop your ideas and share them with us via this
Proposal Form.
All proposals will be reviewed by the Advisory Group and notifications will be sent to the contact person. When possible, please submit with a four-week lead time. These are some examples of past projects that have been funded:
Conference assistance for Midwestern Bisexual Lesbian Gay Transgender Ally Conference (MBLGTAC)
United GSA Resource Center improvements
LGBT+ educational resources for Cosiano Health Center
Faculty research support, addressing LGBT-related issues
Safe Zone consultant, program development, and training for interested UF faculty/staff
Webinars addressing LGBT issues on college campuses
The University of Findlay has earned 3.5 out of 5 stars in the Campus Pride Index, a national listing of LGBTQ-friendly colleges and universities. The index is an overall indicator of institutional commitment to LGBTQ-inclusive policy, program and practice. Information about UF's Campus Pride Ranking can be found below.
UF Safe Zone:

Safe Zone workshops are LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer) and ally education workshops that are conducted at colleges and universities across the country. Safe Zone workshops are defined as workshops meant to educate individuals on LGBTQ issues and help members of college communities (students, professors, administrators, and staff) become better allies to LGBTQ students and more aware of gender and sexuality issues.
Information on trainings can be found on the OC3 Calendar located
Safe Zone Ally's Pledge
"I have freely chosen to be a safe zone ally for LGBTQ individuals in my campus community. I will treat each individual with respect and dignity. I will confront offensive jokes, remarks or mistreatment of any individual. I will do my best to create a safe, supportive and inclusive community for everyone."
Oiler Ally Training:
The LGBT Program Initiatives Committee, OC3 and Residence Life are happy to offer Oiler Ally Training training for the UF community throughout the academic year. For scheduled trainings, please click here. If you would like to host an Oiler Ally Training for your student organization please contact us at 419-434-4739.
If you need additional help identifying a faculty/staff ally, or if you would like more information about future Safe Zone trainings, please email [email protected].