The Oiler Environmental, Safety and Health Student Organization (OESHO)
OESHO is an environmental organization on campus that allows students in the ESH and Sustainability program to socialize, network and benefit from mutual mentorship.
OESHO annual events include:
Cleanup of the Rieck Center biological field station
Blanchard River Cleanup
Fear Factory - a day in the life of an ESH and Sustainability student through equipment demonstrations and confined space training.
Camping, hiking and ski trips
Trips to area industries
Our organization is a major supporter of the William Jutte Memorial Scholarship presented annually to a junior or senior in the undergraduate program.
Questions? Contact Dr. Kim Hall, Assistant Professor of Environmental, Safety and Health Management, at
[email protected].
The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) - Student Membership
The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) student section is designed for students who are pursuing a career in the safety, health and environmental fields. ASSE seeks to provide additional opportunities for students to learn more about their chosen areas of study, as well as to promote interaction between students and safety professionals.
Benefits of joining ASSE:
- It looks great on your resume!
- Network with industry professionals, and even receive resume critiques
- Attend professional development opportunities (conferences, hear from on-campus special guest speakers from the industry, etc.)
- Access to ASSE online resources
- Internship opportunities
- Tour area industries
Scholarship opportunities ranging from $1,000 to $6,000 per student
2014 ASSE UF Student Section tours Marathon Pipe Line's Findlay Station
Students are encouraged to join as freshmen to gain the most benefit from this professional development opportunity.
Questions? Contact Dr. Tim Murphy, Chair of Environmental, Safety and Health Management, at
[email protected].
Sustainable Student Housing
The University of Findlay received a grant from the BP Foundation and Dominion Resources in 2011 to help retrofit two University-owned houses with renewable energy and monitoring equipment.
ESH and Sustainability students, along with guidance from Tim Murphy, Ph.D., associate professor and chair of the ESH and Sustainability program, assisted with preparing the site and installing the solar panels and wind turbine.

Solar power is generated from these solar grids, along with wind power from a wind turbine, to power the houses.
The two houses are the focal points of an ongoing campus project to reduce energy consumption. With four students in one house and five in another, both groups are developing and implementing ways to save energy and create less waste. Monitoring instruments were installed during the summer of 2011 to measure water, electrical and natural gas usage.