David B. Pettigrew, Ph.D.

David B. Pettigrew, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Teaching in Anatomy and Neuroscience
Year started at UF: 2017
Contact Information
Office Location: Residence Hall- UF Haven Room 105
Telephone: 419-434-6031
B.S., Computer Engineering, University of Cincinnati, 1992
M.S., Computer Science, Michigan State University, 1994
Ph.D., Interdisciplinary Neuroscience - Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, 2000
  • Pettigrew, D.B., N. Singh, S. Kirthivasan, K.A. Crutcher.  The role of tissue geometry in spinal cord regeneration.  Medicina (Kaunas), 58(4):542 (2022).​

    Pettigrew, D.B., C.B. Dobson, L.G. Isaacson, E.C. Leuthardt, H.N. Lilley, G.L. Suidan, K.A. Crutcher. Segregated neural explants exhibit co-oriented, asymmetric neurite outgrowth. PLoS One, 14(9):e0216263 (2019).

    Harwell, D., J.L. Gibson, R.D. Fessler, D.B. Pettigrew. Pathophysiology of thoracic myelopathy: biomechanics and deformative stress.  In Kuntz IV, C. and Steinmetz, M. (Eds.) Benzel's Spine Surgery, 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier (2016).

    Harwell, D.M., J.L. Gibson, R.D. Fessler, J. Holtz, D.B. Pettigrew, C. Kuntz IV. Pia mater significantly contributes to spinal cord intraparenchymal pressure in a simulated model of edema.  Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 41(9):E524-9 (2016).

    Pettigrew, D.B., R.D. Fessler, C.W. Farley, S. Al-Nafi, J.R. Holtz, N.D. Wiebracht, A.C. Look, C. Kuntz IV. Spinal cord intramedullary pressure in thoracic scoliotic deformity: a cadaveric study.  Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 40(4):E242-7 (2015).

    Winestone, J.S., C.W. Farley, B.A. Curt, A. Chavanne, N. Dollin, D.B. Pettigrew, and C. Kuntz, IV. Laminectomy, durotomy, and piotomy effects on spinal cord intramedullary pressure in severe cervical and thoracic kyphotic deformity: a cadaveric study. J Neurosurg Spine, 16(2):195-200 (2012).

    Farley, C.W., B.A. Curt, D.B. Pettigrew, J.R. Holtz, N. Dollin and C. Kuntz, IV. Spinal cord intramedullary pressure in thoracic kyphotic deformity: a cadaveric study. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 37(4):E224-30 (2012).

    Chavanne, A., D.B. Pettigrew, J.R. Holtz, N. Dollin and C. Kuntz, IV. Spinal cord intramedullary pressure in cervical kyphotic deformity: a cadaveric study.  Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 36(20):1619-26 (2011).

    Pettigrew, D.B., B.A. Curt, R.B. Anderson, P.A. Wilsey and C. Kuntz, IV. Virtual pre-operative measurement and surgical manipulation of sagittal spinal alignment using a novel research and education software program.  Neurosurgical Focus, 28(3):E2 (2010).

    Cramer, D.E., P.C. Maher, D.B. Pettigrew and C. Kuntz, IV. Major neurological deficit immediately after adult spinal surgery: incidence and etiology over 10 years at a single institution. Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques, 22(8):565-70 (2009).

    Kuntz, IV, C., C.I. Shaffrey, S.L. Ondra, A.A. Durrani, P.V. Mummaneni, L.S. Levin and D.B. Pettigrew. Spinal deformity: a new classification derived from neutral upright spinal alignment measurements in asymptomatic juvenile, adolescent, adult, and geriatric individuals. Neurosurgery, 63(3 Suppl):25-39 (2008).

    Shelton, S.B., D.B. Pettigrew, A.D. Hermann, W. Zhou, P.M. Sullivan, K.A. Crutcher and K.I. Strauss. A simple, efficient tool for assessment of mice after unilateral cortex injury. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 168(2):431-42 (2007).

    Pettigrew, D.B., Y.-Q. Li, C. Kuntz, IV and K.A. Crutcher. Global expression of NGF promotes sympathetic axonal growth in CNS white matter but does not alter its parallel orientation. Experimental Neurology, 203(1):95-109 (2007).

    Pettigrew, D.B., P. Smolen, D.A. Baxter and J.H. Byrne. Dynamic properties of regulatory motifs associated with induction of three temporal domains of memory in Aplysia. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 18:163-81 (2005).

    Pettigrew, D.B., K.P. Shockley and K.A. Crutcher. Disruption of spinal cord white matter and sciatic nerve geometry inhibits axonal growth in vitro in the absence of glial scarring. BMC Neuroscience, 2:8 (2001).

    Pettigrew, D.B and K.A. Crutcher. Myelin contributes to the parallel orientation of axonal growth on white matter in vitro. BMC Neuroscience, 2:9 (2001).

    Pettigrew, D.B., L. Levin and K.A. Crutcher. Sympathetic neurite growth on CNS sections is region-specific and unaltered by aging. Neurobiology of Aging, 21(5):629-38 (2000).

    Pettigrew, D.B. and K.A. Crutcher. White matter of the CNS supports or inhibits neurite outgrowth in vitro depending on geometry. Journal of Neuroscience, 19(19):8358-66 (1999).

    Posters and Research Presentations

    Payne, A.M., E. Wood, D.B. Pettigrew, H. Tawfik, H. Spartz, P. Wallach.  Merit badges: A para-curriculum to develop in-depth clinical skills during medical school (Recognized as “Best of Cool Ideas"). Innovations in Medical Education Conference. Los Angeles, CA (2018).

    Freeman, C.M., J.M. Sutton, D.B. Pettigrew, P.L. Jernigan, E.F. Midura, J.W. Kuethe, B.R. Davis, K.P. Athota. Focused medical student intersession improves knowledge, technique, and interpersonal interactions. Academic Surgical Congress, Las Vegas, NV (2015).

    Giffin, B.F., D.J. Lowrie, D.B. Pettigrew, A. Gunderson.  The integration of osteology, radiology, and surface anatomy into a clinical skills 101 course for first-year medical students.  The FASEB Journal, 27(1):Supplement 956.18.

    Pettigrew, D.B., B.F. Giffin, D.J. Lowrie, Jr., A.J. Gunderson. The impact of alternating anatomy dissection teams on practical examination performance. Association for Medical Education in Europe, Lyon, France (2012); Association of American Medical Colleges¸ Philadelphia, PA (2013).

    Farley, C., S. Sanouri, D.B. Pettigrew, J.R. Holtz, C. Kuntz, IV. Spinal cord intramedullary pressure in coronal scoliotic deformity: a cadaveric study. Scoliosis Research Society: International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (2012).

    Farley, C., B.A. Curt, D.B. Pettigrew, J.R. Holtz, C. Kuntz, IV. Spinal cord intramedullary pressure increases in thoracic kyphotic deformity: a cadaveric study. American Association of Neurological Surgeons/Congress of Neurological Surgeons Joint Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves (2011).

    Curt, B.A., C. Kuntz, IV, D.B. Pettigrew, V.A. DiNapoli, C.W. Farley, A. Chavanne, J.R. Holtz, J.J. DePowell. Failure of laminectomy to adequately decrease intramedullary spinal cord pressure in cervical and thoracic kyphotic deformity: a cadaveric study. American Association of Neurological Surgeons/Congress of Neurological Surgeons Joint Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves (2010).

    Chavanne, A., D.B. Pettigrew, J.R. Holtz, N. Dollin and C. Kuntz, IV. Cervical kyphotic deformity increases spinal cord intramedullary pressure: a cadaveric study. Global Spine Congress (2009); Scoliosis Research Society (2009).

         Pettigrew, D.B., J.M. Sutton, C. Kuntz, IV and K.A. Crutcher. A receptor for myelin-associated inhibitors contributes to parallel axonal regeneration on spinal cord white matter. American Association of Neurological Surgeons (2008).

    Kuntz, C., C.I. Shaffrey, S.L. Ondra, P.V. Mummaneni, L.S. Levin and D.B. Pettigrew. Spinal deformity: a new classification derived from neutral upright spinal alignment measurements in asymptomatic juvenile, adolescent, adult, and geriatric individuals. Congress of Neurological Surgeons (2007).

    Pettigrew, D.B., C. Kuntz, IV, S.M. Rosile, Y.-Q. Li and K.A. Crutcher. Fourier analysis of spinal cord white matter: histological parallelism and implications for axonal guidance. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 33:136.22 (2007); American Association of Neurological Surgeons (2007).

    Crutcher, K.A., Y.-Q. Li, K.P. Bielewicz, D.B. Pettigrew and C. Kuntz, IV. Lifespan persistence and restriction of aberrant sympathetic fibers in the CNS of NGF transgenic mice. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 32:319.2 (2006).

    Pettigrew, D.B. and K.A. Crutcher. Axonal guidance along growth factor gradients may be mediated by a winner-take-all rule. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 32:319.1 (2006).

    Kuntz IV, C., Y.-Q. Li, D.B. Pettigrew and K.A. Crutcher. Sympathetic axonal outgrowth in NGF transgenic mice: potential therapeutic approach to central nervous system injury. American Association of Neurological Surgeons (2006).

    Pettigrew, D.B., G.L. Suidan, H.N. Lilley and K.A. Crutcher. Polarity and co-orientation of neurite halos: an emergent property of neural tissue. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 31:249.15 (2005).

    Shockley-Bielewicz, K.P., Y.-Q. Li, C. Kuntz, IV, D.B. Pettigrew and K.A. Crutcher. Sympathetic ganglia from NGF transgenic mice survive grafting into non-transgenic host brain. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 31:257.8 (2005).

    Shelton, S.B., D.B. Pettigrew, K.I. Strauss and K.A. Crutcher. Validation of a novel neurological test following traumatic brain injury in mice. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 31:334.5 (2005).

    Pettigrew, D.B., M.A. Bunger, Y.-Q. Li, C. Kuntz, IV and K.A. Crutcher. Longitudinally-oriented axonal regeneration of grafted sympathetic neurons within CNS white matter is promoted by transgenic expression of NGF. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 30:948.14 (2004).

    Lilley, H.N., D.B. Pettigrew, C. Kuntz, IV and K.A. Crutcher. Neurite growth is supported by soluble activity released from neural tissue sections. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 30:948.15 (2004).

    Pettigrew, D.B., K.A. Crutcher and C. Kuntz, IV. Glial scar formation in the presence of elevated nerve growth factor. Congress of Neurological Surgeons (2004).

    Pettigrew, D.B., P.D. Smolen, D.A. Baxter and J.H. Byrne. An OAA-based agent for the simulation of gene regulation. Keck/GCC Bioinformatics Symposium, Rice University, Program Number 43 (2002).

    Pettigrew, D.B., P.D. Smolen, D.A. Baxter and J.H. Byrne. Spaced, but not massed, stimulation induces long-term facilitation in an intracellular model of Aplysia sensory neurons. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 27:954.19 (2001).

    Pettigrew, D.B. and K.A. Crutcher. Myelin may contribute to parallel axonal growth in CNS white matter. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 26:323.16 (2000).

    Pettigrew, D.B. The effects of myelin geometry on axonal growth and regeneration: a tissue section culture approach. Presented at Washington University, St. Louis, MO (2000). 

    Crutcher, K.A. and D.B. Pettigrew. Ex vivo crush injury is sufficient to impede axonal growth on spinal cord and sciatic nerve tissue sections in vitro. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 26:323.15 (2000).

    Pettigrew, D.B. and K.A. Crutcher. Spinal cord injury without glial scarring inhibits neurite growth in vitro. Experimental Neurology, 163:294 (2000). Presented at the Eighth International Symposium on Neural Regeneration, Asilomar, 1999.

    Pettigrew, D.B., K.P. Klosowski and K.A. Crutcher. White matter geometry prevails over NGF in the regulation of axonal growth. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 25:295.2 (1999).

    Pettigrew, D.B. and K.A. Crutcher. White matter can support or inhibit neurite growth depending on geometry. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 24:616.12 (1998).

    Pettigrew, D.B. and K.A. Crutcher. No difference in chick sympathetic neurite outgrowth on young and aged rat brain tissue sections. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 23:779.7 (1997).

    Pettigrew, D.B. and K.A. Crutcher. Neurobasal medium promotes greater survival of embryonic chick sympathetic neurons that Ham's F12 medium. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 22:299.15 (1996).​