In its seventh year, Excel@Teaching is an annual, in-house conference that promotes dialog about teaching and learning. Sponsored by the CTE, Excel@Teaching is part of Fall Welcome Week opening day activities. It is a space for faculty and staff to exchange practical strategies, discuss innovative pedagogies, and share ideas for supporting the whole student. Participation in Excel@Teaching counts toward high quality professional development (HQPD).
The organizing committee invites you to submit an original proposal for this year's conference.
Proposals are due Monday, June 14.
How do I foster a community of belonging?
How do you build community...
...by recognizing diversity
...through problem solving
...with those who are new
Please note the following:
- Individuals submitting proposals should be prepared to present fully via Zoom, including engaged learning workshops.
- CTE will provide Zoom training in advance of the conference for presenters, if requested.
- Individual presentations: 15 minutes in length. These will be combined into a panel of like presentations by the Program Committee.
- Group presentations: 45 minutes in length. These will be made up of three or more presenters addressing a central topic or theme. Presentations may be (but are not limited to) oral papers, performances, demonstrations, discussions, etc. Regardless, they must be designed with best teaching practices and specific learning goals in mind.
- Engaged Learning Workshop: 45-minute sessions intended for active or experiential learning, invention, and problem-solving activities. Facilitators should have specific learning goal(s) in mind and have an exercise planned. Audience participation is expected.
1. Proposals for Individual Presentations, Group Presentations, or Engaged Learning Workshops must be submitted electronically (below) by Monday, June 14.
2. Proposal titles should clearly indicate the proposal topic and are limited to 15 words.
3. All proposals must clearly state the focus, content, and purpose of your session. Proposals must also identify specific learning goals for participants and how those goals will be achieved. What will participants take away from the session? How will you make this happen? For Group Presentations: Please explain the session's individual presentations and how they relate to the group's overarching theme or concept. For Engaged Learning Workshops: Please explain how the audience will be engaged or participate during the session. What is the activity? How does it achieve the learning goals?
4. Individual Presentation proposals are not to exceed 300 words. Group Presentation and Engaged Learning Workshop proposals are not to exceed 450 words.
5. The program committee is solely responsible for selecting proposals.
Notification of proposal decisions will be sent via email by Monday, July 5, 2021.