Excel@Teaching 2017 Regional Conference
Empowering Student Learners
The University of Findlay
Findlay, Ohio 45840
Our 3rd Annual Excel@Teaching Conference, Empowering Student Learners, will be held on Saturday, March 25, 2017, on the campus of The University of Findlay, Findlay, Ohio. This one-day regional conference promotes dialog about teaching and learning and the individuals participating in this conference are faculty members and administrators in higher education from around northwest Ohio.
The conference is a place to exchange practical strategies, participate in theoretical discussion about pedagogical approaches, and examine the latest research on effective instructional practices in higher education. It showcases pedagogical excellence and innovation in all delivery formats from traditional to online to clinical and beyond and at all levels from undergraduate to graduate education.
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, March 25, 2017
Time: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Location: The University of Findlay’s Winebrenner Theological Seminary
Contact: Beth Stewart, (419) 434-4385 or Andrew Whitis, (419) 434-5735
Suggested Set-up Time: 7:00 am
Estimated Conference Attendance: 100
Fee: See below for Vendor and Sponsorship opportunities.
Vendor and Sponsorship Opportunities:
Each Sponsorship includes one (1) 6-foot skirted table + 2 chairs + wastebasket + 2 registrations/all meals, plus the additional promotions:
- Non-profit….$50
- Vendor Hall (only)...$100 = Logo/advertisement at Vendor Web Page
- Refreshment Afternoon Break…$150 = Logo/advertisement at Vendor Web Page + Poster/Banner Advertisement @ Break Table
- Breakfast….$200 table = Logo/advertisement at Vendor Web Page + Poster/Banner Advertisement @ Buffet Table
- Luncheon….$300 = Logo/advertisement at Vendor Web Page + Poster/Banner Advertisement @ Buffet Table
- Speaker…$500 = Logo/advertisement at Vendor Web Page + Logo/advertisement at Speaker Web Page + Poster/Banner Advertisement @ Presentation
- Vendor Ads in conference program (8 ½ x 11)
- ¼ page = $75
- ½ page = $100
- Full page = $150
Registration:You must register online. You have the option of paying by credit card or mailing a check.
Hotel Information:A block of rooms have been placed on hold at The Country Inn and Suites, 903 Interstate Drive, Findlay, Ohio, for Friday, March 24, 2017 at a rate of $80.00. Please check website for additional information/website.
Additional Exhibit Information:Table assignment will be based on when your on-line registration is completed and confirmation of your payment being received. The Exhibit Hall will be open during the entire conference and will be organized in a way where the conference buffets and breaks will be located along the Hall, giving conference participants a chance to see and visit all vendors.
Set-Up:Exhibits can be set up starting at 7:00 am on Saturday, March 25. NOTE: Electrical outlets are limited and will be distributed on a first (paid)-registration basis. Vendors must supply their own electrical connections, backdrops, tables and other resources needed for presentations. The vendor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damages, and claims arriving out of injury or damage to vendor’s displays, equipment, or other property brought upon the premises of the hotel and shall indemnify and hold harmless the University, servants, and employees from any and all such losses, damages, and claims.
We hope that you will be able to participate in this year’s conference! Please feel free to contact us with any questions.