BLMC 350 - African-American Influences in the U.S.
BLMC 430 - Sociolinguistics in a Classroom Setting
CJUS 345 - Comparative Criminal Justice
COMM 216 - Interpersonal Communication
COMM 218 - Intercultural Communication
COMM 316 - Relational Communication
COMM 340 - Communication and Identity in Media and Culture
EDUC 151 - Ethnicity
ENGL 307 - Critical Perspectives of Nature, Technology, Society, and Culture
ENGL 309 - Intercultural Technical Communication
ENGL 338 - Major Works of American Literature-Beginning to 1865
ENGL 339 - Major Works of American Literature-1865 to 1945
ENGL 340 - Major Works of American Literature-1945 to Present
ENGL 348 - Public and Professional Discourse
ENGL 355 - Writing on Public Issues for Civic Engagement
GEND 200 - Introduction to Gender Studies
GEND 350 - Topics in Gender Studies
GEND 360 - Gender and the Professions
GERN 200 - The Aging Process
GERN 210 - Gender and Aging
HIST 260 - The History of Women in America
HIST 302 - Studies in the Non-Western World
NURS 210 - Transcultural Care of Diverse Populations
PHIL 100 - Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 220 - Ethical Issues of the Modern World
PHIL 221 - Health Care Ethics
PHIL 224 - Ethics and Technology
PHIL 225 - Beauty and Value
PHIL 226 - Business Ethics
PHIL 228 - Ethics and Education
PHIL 230 - Sports Ethics
PHIL 233 - Social and Political Thought
PHIL 240 - Media Ethics
RELI 101 - Introduction to Religion
RELI 102 - The Jewish and Christian Traditions
RELI 200 - Religions of India and Tibet
RELI 201 - Religions of China and Japan
RELI 220 - The Islamic Tradition
RELI 270 - Religious Issues in Contemporary Society
RELI 312 - The Buddhist Tradition
RELI 315 - Religions of Africa and the Americas
RELI 320 - New Religious Movements
SOCI 250 - Human Diversity in America
THEA 323 - Theatre History and Literature-18th Century to Today