Header 1​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Professional School Treasurer License Post 1 Apply Now Request Info ​Learn the inner workings of your district's finances and support education in your district. Educational Requirements for full LicensureFindlay offers all classes necessary to complete your educational requirements for the School Treasurer Licensure. Business Degree HoldersEDAD 576 – School Finances and Resources (three credit hours)EDAD 578 – Educational Law (three credit hours)Non-Business Degree HoldersEDAD 576 – School Finances and Resources (three credit hours)EDAD 578 – Educational Law (three credit hours)Nine credit hours of accounting courses Field Experience Requirements​ If you do not have job experience in the field of finance: The field experience component may be met through completion of a 300-hour internship in a school treasurer's office, under the direct supervision of a licensed school treasurer.The 300-hour internship should be an individualized, mutually developed series of experiences reflective of the results of an assessment of your educational needs as related to the role, functions and responsibilities of the treasurer. If you have job experience in the field of finance:In place of a supervised 300-hour school treasurer internship, it is possible to utilize two years of significant, global fiscal officer responsibility in an organizational setting. This experience must be at the level of either chief or assistant (deputy) fiscal officer and must be representative of the broad range of functions. Areas of responsibility must include at least four (4) of the following:Accounting and financial reportingForecasting and planningBudgeting and appropriationsCash and asset managementFinance and investmentsSupervision of payroll proceduresCompliance functions including tax payments and filingsOffice management ​​ For More Information Contact Dr. Kadee Anstadt at kathryn.anstadt@findlay.edu​ ​or 419-434-6901. Post Column 2