​​​​​​​​​​Curricular Assessment Committee (CAC)


​​The Curricular Assessment Committee works with faculty in their on-going review of undergraduate and graduate learning outcomes. Specifically, the CAC oversees internal processes in which academic areas assess students' acquisition of knowledge, skills, and dispositions as those students make progress toward their degrees. 

In addition, the CAC

  • oversees curricular assessment processes that contribute to diverse accreditation and authorization criteria (i.e., OBR, HLC, SPAs, etc.);​ 

  • verifies reporting compliance of curricular assessment across the institution;​

  • evaluates data needs and recommends information systems to meet internal and external reporting requirements related to curricular assessment;​

  • reviews and provides feedback to programs regarding curricular assessment reports;​

  • develops, coordinates and refines procedures regarding assessment of student learning outcomes at the program level;​

  • creates and oversees ad hoc committees to concentrate on evolving curricular assessment information needs;​

  • serves as a resource for faculty in the development of appropriate curricular assessment tools and procedures to facilitate continual quality improvement and institutional effectiveness.​​​

2024-2025 Committee Goals

  1. To expand and clarify assessment rubrics to the benefit of both reviewers and submitters.
  2. Clarify crosswalk directions for submitters to improve accuracy and benefit of the tool.
  3. Merge and simplify submitter resources for ease of use and improve clarity.
  4. Refine the updated curricular assessment process to improve quality of assessment for the benefit of UF programs.​


​​​​August- Workspaces open for January submissions
September-November- CAC teams meet with programs to provide support and answer questions about submissions
January- Help sessions available; submissions due January 31, 2025
February- CAC reviews submissions
March- Feedback released to submitters
May- Summary report released to campus​

For additional timeline information, see the Assessment Master Calendar

CAC agendas, minutes, and rubrics can be accessed on the CAC site.


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