​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Office of Service & Community Engagement​

The Office of Service and Community Engagement links the University of Findlay to the local community through mutually beneficial service projects. We believe that the process known as Service-Learning will benefit the individual as well as the community in lasting ways.

In the 19-20 academic year, University of Findlay provided 21,271 hours of service to our local, national, and international community. These hours represent group and individual co-curricular service, as well as academic service-learning.

The University of Findlay is a member of the Ohio Campus Compact, an organization of more than 30 colleges and universities which promotes volunteer service that develops students' citizenship skills and values, encourages collaborative partnerships between campuses and communities, and assists faculty who seek to integrate public and community engagement into their teaching and research.​

​Please explore the Office of Service and Community Engagement on Facebook by clicking here!

What is Service-Learning?


Academic service-learning is a form of experiential education in which students participate in meaningful service to their communities while engaging in some sort of reflection related to the service and integrated into the curriculum. Students learn professional skills through their courses,​ and then have the opportunity to practice what they've learned in the local community. The circular loop of learning and service is connected through reflection, during which students c​ompare what they expected to happen and what truly happened in their real-world projects. This type of learning enhances students' critical learning skills, problem-solving skills, and the ability to interact with people who are different than themselves. 

​Service-Learning Courses at Findlay

Service-Learning Courses at Findlay

College of Education

EDUC 423: Assessment/Diagnosis of Reading Difficulties
EDUC 515: The Art of Picture Books

College of Health Professions

GERN 425: Gerontology Ethics
HEPR 150: Introduction to Health Professions
NMED 487: Nuclear Medicine Capstone
OCTH 321: Professional Relationships In Context
PHTH 545: Lifespan Development
PHTH 604: Neurotherapeutics
PHTH 727: Neuromuscular System II
PHTH 739: Selected Topics Advanced Pediatric

College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

ACAD 190: Experiencing the Liberal Arts First-Year Seminar
ART 205: Introduction to Digital Design
ART 250: Typography
ART 305: Graphic Design
ART 405: Advanced Graphic Design
COMM 341: PR Campaigns
RELI 101: Introduction to Religion

College of Pharmacy

PHAR 350: Introduction to Pharmacy I
PHAR 492: Intermediate Pharmacy Practice Experience II
PHAR 591: Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience V

College of Sciences

ANSC 110: First-Year Experience for Animal Science Majors
EQST 103: Introduction to Equine-Assisted Activities and Therapies

Service-Learning Benefits
Service-learning has numerous benefits for all constituencies involved: 

For Students
Promotes critical thinking skills and the ability of students to apply concepts and theories to the “real world ”

Develops a habit of critical reflection on their experiences, enabling them to learn more throughout life

Deepens understanding of course materials

Challenges stereotyped thinking and facilitates interracial understanding

Strengthens students’ sense of civic duty and social responsibility

Encourages commitment to addressing the underlying problems behind social issues

Encourages understanding of problems in more complex ways and supports imaginative alternative solutions

Allows students to explore possible career paths

Develops relevant career-related skills

Provides experience in group work and interpersonal communication

Instills a sense of empowerment that enhances self-esteem

Encourages curiosity and motivation to learn 
For Faculty
Articulates the relationship between academic material and its applications

Encourages the formation of close, interactive, mentoring relationships with students

Provides an opportunity to be actively engaged and knowledgeable about community

Highlights the direct consequences of teaching and scholarship for society

Fosters the development of relationships between organizations and faculty

Provides campus, community, state, regional and/or national recognition

Enhances connections between research and teaching

Creates new avenues for scholarship and publication

Provides networking opportunities for colleagues across disciplines

Increases student recruitment and retention to departments due to increased enthusiasm and engagement with coursework

Fosters motivated teaching due to greater student interaction with subject matter

Enhances and enriches teaching-innovative pedagogy

Improves faculty/student interactions

Opens avenues to new funding sources
For Community Partners
Fosters the development of relationships between organizations and faculty

Provides additional human resources agencies need to achieve mission and goals

Creates a larger pool of experienced volunteers from which to recruit future participants and leaders 

Allows organizations to play a role in educating and challenging student perceptions about current community issues

Offers organizations the opportunity to identify and access university resources

Forms partnerships that foster positive campus-community interactions

Provides access to faculty experts and the next generation of experts

Solves local problems in effective, creative ways

Cultivates future generations of engaged citizens

Encourages multi-generational and cross-cultural interactions

Establishes cooperation and collaboration as values within the local culture

Provides meaningful services to our community

Creates opportunities for community agencies to participate in student learning

Builds community awareness of college programs and services 

​For more information, please contact the Office of Service and Community Engagement at 419-434-6671 or [email protected]