Student Activities Board the Offices of Student Activities, Commuter Services, Leadership Development, Campus Safety & Security, in conjunction with the U.S. Marine Corps., hosts an annual toy drive here on campus. The goal is to provide happiness to the children in the Findlay & Hancock County Communities during the Christmas season. Every year, a collection goal is set. This year, UF's goal is to collect 300 toys.
When donating, please keep the following in mind:
- Toy donations will be accepted for ages ranging from newborn/infants to 15 years old
- All toys should be brand new & unwrapped when donated
- Please refrain from donating anything electronic (ie: DVDs, CDs, video games, gaming systems, etc. are discouraged)
- If a toy being donated requires batteries, please attach batteries to the toy
This year's donations will be accepted in the Alumni Memorial Union next to the Student Activities Office suite (AMU 8A) in the designated collection box: 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. & 1:30 - 5:00 p.m.:

- November 18-22
- November 25-26
- December 2-5

Toys for Tots Christmas Party!
December 4, 2024
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Alumni Memorial Union Fireside Lounge
The local U.S. Marine Corps. works in conjuction with the local Salvation Army & Chopin Hall of Hancock County to distribute toys. The local U.S. Marine Corps.' goal for Hancock County is 3 toys for every child.