The University works with those impacted by prohibited conduct to connect them with the support and resources they wish to utilize. This includes both on-campus and off-campus resources for survivors, friends, and anyone else who is impacted by discrimination, harassment, sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, and other forms of sexual misconduct. Members of the UF community may seek support from the Confidential Resources listed below. Confidential Resources are not required to report to the Office of Equity & Title IX.*
For additional information on policies administered by the Office of Equity & Title IX, please click here.
Talk to a Confidential Resource
On-Campus Resources
Counseling Services provides professional, confidential counseling, advocacy, guidance, and assistance in understanding options, rights, and outcomes with regard to both the University and criminal processes. Counseling Services can be reached by calling 419-434-4526.
Cosiano Health Center provides medical assistance, including sexual assault response assistance, to students. Cosiano Health Center can be reached by calling 419-434-4550.
Campus Ministries provides confidential consultation with the clergy. Campus Ministries can be reached by calling 419-434-5624.
Off-Campus Resources
Blanchard Valley Health System has two local hospitals located in the City of Findlay and the village of Bluffton. Blanchard Valley's Forensic Nurse Services offers sexual assault forensic exams (SAFE) through the Emergency Department 24 hours a day. For more information, and an educational brochure, click the Forensic Nurse Services link above.
Open Arms Domestic Violence & Rape Crisis Services 24-Hour Hotline 419-422-4766 can assist with emergency shelter, rape crisis, victim advocacy and obtaining a Civil Protection Order.
Additional Ways to Access Support
*Note that there are limits to a Confidential Resource’s ability to maintain confidentiality. Confidential Resources are required to report child abuse or neglect to Children’s Services or local law enforcement. Medical professionals may also have certain legally mandated reporting responsibilities in certain serious cases, although depending on state law, the reporting requirement may only require that the professional share the date, general time, and general location of the incident. Mental health professionals are required to disclose information where there is an imminent threat of harm to self or others. Finally, pursuant to the Clery Act, anonymous statistical information for certain offenses that have been reported as occurring at campus locations must be shared with Campus Safety. The information does not include the names or any other identifying information about the persons involved in such incidents.
In some cases, an individual may not need services through a Confidential Resource immediately following the prohibited conduct. However, as time passes, it may be helpful to seek such assistance. Counselors found on-campus at Counseling Services, advocates at Open Arms and other service providers listed in UF Title IX policy can provide assistance and/or treatment in dealing with physical and emotional concerns as they may arise.