​​​Religious Accommodation Policy

Overview: The University of Findlay seeks to create a campus climate that is welcoming and inclusive of religious, philosophical, and nonreligious diversity. Findlay's policies prohibit discrimination based on religion, and Findlay seeks to provide reasonable accommodation for the sincerely held religious beliefs and practices of employees and students, including religious holidays and observances, unless such accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the University. 

Holidays and observances vary among and within religious traditions. Religious observances may include attending services and may also require abstaining from work and certain other activities (such as writing, carrying things outside of the home, or the use of electronics) altogether on religious holidays and at other significant times of the year. 

Religious accommodations cannot be provided to students where they would fundamentally alter the educational program. For example, changing a particular class's curriculum to accommodate a student's religious beliefs, or requests to perform religious rituals or prayers during class which would disrupt the rest of the class, would not be considered reasonable.

For employees, religious accommodations must not result in an undue hardship, which includes an accommodation that would substantially increase costs in relation to the conducting of the University's business. For example, if the University would be required to hire a new employee to cover the schedule of the employee requesting the accommodation, or an accommodation was requested which would jeopardize the safety of other employees, this would not be considered reasonable.
Applicability: This policy applies to all university faculty, staff, and students.

For Employees: To request religious accommodation, employees should submit requests in writing as early as possible to Human Resources. Requests may be submitted in writing to the office in Old Main 304 or [email protected]

For Students: To request religious accommodation, students should submit requests in writing to the Office of Equity & Title IX as early as possible. Requests may be submitted in writing to the office in Old Main 45 or [email protected]

Academic accommodations for religious observance do not relieve students of responsibilities for the completion of any part of the coursework missed because of a religious observance. Reasonable accommodations must be consistent with academic standards and may not include modifications of requirements essential to any program or licensing requirement, or modifications that impose an undue burden on the university.

Faculty should make reasonable efforts to accommodate student absences due to participation in religious observances.  Faculty and staff must be sensitive to these observance days so that students who are absent from classes on these days are not disadvantaged to a reasonable extent.  When possible, faculty should avoid scheduling exams and oral presentations during the major religious days on campus. If a professor has scheduled such an exam or oral presentation, exams must be reasonably rescheduled without academic penalty.

Students must inform professors as early as possible, no less than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the observance day, each semester of any planned religious observances that conflict with class attendance and participation and make mutually agreeable arrangements to complete any work that will be missed. Excused absences as part of religious accommodation should be considered separate from other student absences. There is no set number of approved religious accommodation absences. This principle, however, does not outweigh the fact that regular attendance in class may be essential for meeting academic standards and licensing requirements.​

Retaliation: Those requesting religious accommodation are protected from retaliation. Those who believe they may have experienced retaliation in violation of this policy should contact the Civil Rights/Title IX Coordinator at 419-434-4739 or [email protected]

Questions: Questions about this policy may be directed to the Office of Equity & Title IX; Old Main 45; 419-434-4739; [email protected]

The Religious Accommodation Policy can be reviewed above, or ​​download a PDF of the policy here. A Relig​​ious Holiday Calendar has been developed for planning purposes only, and can be reviewed here​. The calendar is based on the self-reported religions of campus community members, as compiled by Institutional Research.