​​Technology Management

Become a “defender” of computer networks​

In today’s high-technology environment, homes and businesses must be constantly vigilant about computer security and information management.  The demand for trained individuals in this area will continue to grow. Completion of the technology management ​​program at The University of Findlay can lead to a major in computer science with an emphasis in information assurance.


The University of Findlay’s curriculum has been certified by the National Security Agency as mapping to the NSTISSI 4011 Standard for Information Security Professionals. Classroom topics include:
  • Threats to information security

  • Securing and defending the business network

  • Secure payments, encryption and authentication

  • Stopping data “thieves”

Career opportunities 

There are several areas of focus in the field of technology management, including support services, sales, consulting or network systems. Depending on your focus and geographic location, a starting salary of $30,000-$65,000 per year is a reasonable expectation.

For more information, contact us at 419-434-4554, 800-548-0932, ext. 4554, or email geise@findlay.edu.

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