Congratulations and Welcome to the University of Findlay!

Findlay's Equestrian Studies program utilizes a hands-on approach to learning, designed to give you the most practical experience that will translate to success in the equestrian industry. Below, you will find important information about the western program and our expectations of you as a western equestrian student.
Student Requirements:
Work three (3) weekends per semester.
- As part of the hiring process at the University, you will need to complete Section 1 of the Federal Form I-9 and provide acceptable documentation as listed on the ‘Lists of Acceptable Documents’ page of the I-9. Per this document, you must provide one document from List A OR one from List B AND one from List C. All documents must be original and unexpired.
- Students will be paid for 2 work weekends each semester.
General chores around the barn, including, but not limited to: stall cleaning, sweeping, de-cobwebbing and cleaning buckets, walls and drains.
Rotation of feeding chores for all horses on the property.
Take and log your horse's temperature daily.
Adhere to the dress code at all times while at the barn.
Occasionally unload and stack hay during assigned times or during work weekends.
Items you need to submit to the University of Findlay:
Dress Code and Classroom Etiquette
The dress code for the Western Equestrian Studies Program will be as follows:
- No facial piercings (no eyebrow or nose rings).
Jewelry and earrings are to be kept simple and to a minimum.
- No shirts with less than 2-inch shoulder straps (no "spaghetti" straps or camisoles).
- All jeans must be loose enough to get on a horse - western style (example: Wrangler, Cruel Girl, Cinch, etc.).
- All shirts must be tucked in when riding - no crop tops (no backs or belly buttons showing).
- Clothing may not have concert promotions, suggestive or explicit language displayed.
- Absolutely no sandals, open-toed shoes or shorts are to be worn at the barn. This includes weekends, holidays, horse shows and evening visits.
- Long sleeve, button-down shirt with a collar for riding tests and finals is required.
Helmet Policy: Wearing an ATSM/SEI certified helmet is encouraged when riding. An ATSM/SEI certified helmet is required when jumping or engaging in gymnastics or riding English. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors are required to wear an ATSM/SEI certified helmet or hockey helmet when working with or riding an unbroken horse in a round pen.
- Please remember, the ring is a classroom, as is any time you spend at the barn. Address instructors, barn staff, interns and peers with respect. The ring is for students participating in a lesson or those taking notes on a lesson. All those participating and observing will be expected to pay attention and keep extraneous noise to a minimum.
What equipment will you need?
All freshmen will need to bring their own tack and the equipment needed to care for a horse. Click the button below for a full list of required western tack.
Where will you store your tack?
Your equipment represents a large investment and we want to help you keep it safe and in good condition. Findlay provides tack lockers for each student, so it won't be necessary to bring one.
Additional questions?
Please feel free to contact Meri Marsh, director of equestrian studies, at [email protected] or 419-434-6364.